Sunday, July 16, 2006

Win Some, Lose Some

The results are in. I won't be moving on to the final round of that screenwriting contest. Oh well. I've learned to take such things in stride. Oddly enough today I also received an email from someone who had read my script from the other contest. He wrote to tell me that my script was the best one he had the opportunity to read. He also praised the realism and quality of my dialogue as well as not taking the route of convention. It was incredibly kind of this person to take the time out to tell me he liked it. In my research I came across a quote that made my smile. "Writers are an insecure bunch, they crave validation, they crave feedback, they crave any shred of hope that will sustain them in their madness." AH! So true, so true, you got us.
At any rate my efforts remain strong, part of my research is for the purpose of rewriting my query letter. I think I can make improvements of it and hopefully it will make a difference in my response rate. "Keep moving, whatever happens, keep moving."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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