Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Sometimes life here gets a little boring, I won't lie. I don't have any friends here that I hang out with. In fact it's pretty much always just me. Now, I'm not asking anyone to pull out tissues for me. Usually I'm pretty cool with it. I've always been a bit of a loner. But sometimes it gnaws on me and I get tired of listening to my own voice all day. That's kind of where I was today. So I decided to try Ditmars, just to get out. When I found Ditmars to still be electricity-challenged, I found myself wandering up to the train platform to Manhattan, not really knowing where I was headed, but certainly not wanting to go back to my apartment.
Long story short I ended up at a Borders: Books and Music. And there I stayed for the next three hours. Browsing, reading and the like. Finally I went up to the cashier with a current Ross Reports, and two movies... the sobering Elizabeth which features Cate Blanchett (whom I would considered in my top three favorites actresses) Geoffrey Rush and Joseph Fiennes also favorites of mine. And then.... um... Gremlins 2. It's a ridiculous movie, but it's one of those movies from childhood, like Beetlejuice or The Goonies, that hold a special place in my heart no matter how aged they are. (Though having watched it tonight, now I which I bought Goonies.) I made a brief inquiry about screenplay books because I han't seen any and that sent me to the basement, no not for punishment or shackles, but for about another hour of going through books. I chose two, even that I didn't find the particular one I was looking for, these intrigued me and I think will help me. Truth is I've had no technical training. Like most of the things in my life, I just picked it up and went with it. Of course I had written about seven of them now, and made a few into movies, so that's been a sort of learning process. Still I'm always interested in learning more and sometimes having techniques spelled out in a book generates more ideas in the whole development process. The second book was more focused on screenwriting as a career, which I am also always interested in learning more.
Now I wouldn't mind reading a "normal" book, but really I have no idea what I'd like to read at the moment. So that was my day. Perhaps not too exciting, but fulfilling enough for me. Borders was just what I needed. At least I now have some more resources to get my stuff out.

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