Saturday, July 22, 2006


I can honestly say that I have never seen rain come down like I did today. Slanting left then right, huge rivers outlining the edges of streets, booming thunder, great flashes of lightning. I stood on my patio and watched it all in awe. There was something incredibly refreshing about watching rain pour violently down.
I called the headshot place today. Of course I didn't start yelling and accusing. I'm just not like that. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt. So I just called and said informed him of what's up. He offered to check up on the progress of delivery and I took him up on it. When he came back from hold he told me that the package had already been delivered and accepted. Yesterday. My sneaky land lady!! I opened my door to go upstairs and ask her about it and there was the package sitting on my stairway.
Am I happy with them? Yeah, mostly. My headshot is a little out of focus, which of course bugs me. I noticed it before, but I didnt think it would be noticeable on the 8X10. So now I am thinking of using a different pic for my color 8X10, because that is slightly out of focus as well. It's alright, I'll adjust. Sorry, that's all I got today.
I can't wait to hear certain news though.

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