Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ghosts, Bigfoot and UFO's Oh My!

I'm fucking outta here for two weeks. Week 1 will be spent with Dave, Clancy and Curran bouncing around New York State hunting down various ghosts and goblins. Week 2, should I survive week 1, I will be in Cape Cod with my family. Needless to say I have serious reservations about being away for so long. Mostly because of missing work and the like I guess, but whatever, I'm just going to try to enjoy myself as I think it's probably good that I get away for a while. I could definitely use the adventure. I am bored and uninspired, I am starting to feel like a spectator, or that I'm not really 'here', I don't know how else to describe it, but at any rate taking some action I think will get me out of that frame of mind.

So yeah, as you (and when I say you I am really talking to me, because I am pretty sure no one reads this fantastic blog anymore) recall Dave and I went on a similar trip at the beginning of the year, traveling down the east coast on a very planned route. In all modesty we did all we could in the way of ghost seeking to the point of standing in the middle of a haunted forest on the night of a full moon at midnight, taunting the ghosts to show themselves, or driving down a haunted back road with the windows rolled down playing a flute, or knowingly entering remote woods in the dark where you previously discovered all kinds of animal bones and skulls hanging from trees. That is the dedication we upheld in actually SEEING something. And after all that we had only a short moment of possible paranormal experience. So yes, I am certainly more of a skeptic now. That is why if I am going to redo this sort of thing, I want to bring it up a notch. Which brings us to the places we have planned including an abandoned (or not) army base with a radioactive past and reported ghost deer in the same general area.... oh and part of the base may be a prison I guess. Needless to say we won't know the specifics of this place until we scout it, if there are guards with guns and spotlights we will of course pass it up, but anything less and I completely willing to break and enter into an abandoned military base. Because of the actual risk of incarceration or detection we are only dedicating one night to this place and no alcohol will be involved. Other places include an abandoned mining tunnel somewhere in the Catskills, a haunted lake featured in Unsolved Mysteries, a well-known UFO hot spot where various underground tunnels surround nearby lakes with fucked up magnetic fields, an old fort where at least 50 people were killed simultaneously in a munitions explosion, various old remote graveyards of course, a battle field and some other places that besides their paranormal promises offer some kind of aesthetic quality as a back-up. I hope to encounter at least one 'thing' from which I feel fortunate to have walked away. Today I am going upstate to my parents' house for the night to pick up my camping gear and my katana sword, which I will aptly apply with holy water (no, I am not religious, but better safe than sorry.) Tomorrow Dave will be picking me up and from there its off to western NY. We don't really have the details of the plan yet, as it is really difficult to arrange such a thing with four people involved, therefore much of the design will come about tomorrow when we are all in the same room.

As for the Cape Cod end of the trip... I don't know. I really just going along with what my family has planned. I'm sure I will enjoy it once I am there, relaxing on the beach, getting myself a tan, swimming, eating out, sipping mixed drinks all day.

Well if I get the opportunity I will blog something sometime, as I like to document such adventures for future reference.

I just hope to fucking god, I get no good calls for work during the next two weeks!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Winter-time in Hell

Well I am getting my wish so far. I've been working since Sunday and tomorrow I will be doing my first promo in about a year. The pay is pretty good and I've been told it will be an easy day, so I'm looking forward to it.
Today was a BITCH. I am drained, completely fucking drained from the heat and sweat I dealt with under that fucking heavy-ass Kevlar fire-proof snow suit. That's really all I gots for now, too tired to bullshit about the small things.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Genius Today, Fireman Tomorrow

A quick recap. Extremes seem to be in style for the summer season. The other day I froze my ass off in the Apple store for 6 hours, working as a Genius employee on the movie, Starship Dave while today was a short and easy day Damages. Tomorrow will undoubtedly be full of sweat and ill-temper as I will be dressed up in full gear as a firefighter on Rescue Me. Did I mention it's going to be 90 degrees tomorrow? ...Yeah.

Also every day of work this week have been early calls. It sucks. I HATE waking up early! Wait, Am I complaining? Jeez man!! Last week I was complaining about having NO work. Really, I am grateful for it being busy. I will happily work non-stop to Friday. For then the plan commences. What plan, you ask? Not yet!

I was stuck sitting next to an annoying person the other day at work. There are some true generalizations about union and non-union actors and here they are: union actors complain about stupid pointless shit on set, they also brag about what they've done as much as humanly possible. While non-union actors have a tendency of hounding you about how to get into the union. Mind you I said GENERALizations. I generally don't like people, doesn't matter if they belong to a union or not. Anyway, I was stuck next to a non-union kid the other day. And he starts asking me stuff. Now I'll throw out what I think is the standard hints and tips, I mean I was given some advice when I started, so I see it as only fair. Well the guy asked me how to get the contact information for agencies and I told him to pick up the Ross Reports (a periodical that list all the talent agencies in NY and LA.) Then the guys exclaims, "but it's like 10 bucks." And that is where I shut him out. I'm sorry, you don't want to invest 10 dollars on your career, but you'll tell me about how you want to be an actor and you sit there and load your fucking backpack up with food from crafty which in all probability values about hmmm... 10 bucks maybe. I only got two words for you....

Fuck off.

And that's my story.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Killer Bird Witness

What have I been up to? Well... not much. I went upstate to visit family for about 4 days. It's the longest I've stayed up there in a while, but people wanted to see me so I stayed to make that possible. I haven't been up there much in the last year, so it was the least I could. Plus I really didn't have that antsy feeling I usually get when I am up there. I had a few accomplishments in my stay... completely embarassing my sister in Walmart once again, this time by yelling out "marinade" over and over in varying tones and inflections. Completely emabrassing my nieces at the bus stop by doing "the twist" as they got on board. And suggesting to my parents that we steal something from a restaurant before we left.

The return to the city has brought about anything worth mentioning. I am exercising consistently. I am watching movies. I am making plans. I am slowly forming my script. Oh wait! A friend stopped by the night I came back. He hasn't been in the city since forever, so it was good to see him here. And after trying to find each other in the rain and one of us without a phone, we eventually stopped by the DCUP bar to play some pool. It was there that I had my best break yet, sinking a couple of balls and setting up a few others. I brought him near the spot where the bird attacks and as I cautioned him, suddenly the bird appeared and side-swiped us. There is a witness now!

Work Sunday and Monday. Ain't it grand! I wouldn't mind working every fucking day next week.

Hey Jude

Somehow I found some pics. These are much more impressive.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Wedding Chanty

I finally acquired some photographic evidence of the incredible spectacle held during Clancy's wedding reception rehearsal thing. Now this is at the start of it, and I believe we are performing "Barnacles Three: A Pirate Chanty." I was hoping to find a picture of all of us on stage singing "Hey Jude" but apparently we were ALL on stage at that point.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Day Without Deordorant

Yeah I forgot to apply this morning. I must say I did quite well without it, no stench or nothing y'all.

Worked around such as comedic actors as Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Will Arnett (who before today was known to me only as the magician brother from Arrested Development,) and Greg Kinnear. I didn't even know I was standing in today until I got there. At first I was standing in as one of the characters of a gay couple, where I talked about my sperm being fast swimmers - that was the dialogue, I didn't pick the topic up.....but now that we're there.....

Then I stood in for Greg Kinnear. He had a part where he yells out his line, which I was more than ready to yell out in his place.

There were also a bunch of extras that looked like celebrities, let's call them Celextras. Consider that shit coined! There was Reese Witherspoon, OJ Simpson and anothers I thought looked alot like that magician brother of Arrested Development, until I realized (from his voice) that is actually was him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Alfred Hitchcock Presents....

Okay, tell me how fucking bizarre this shit is. I've been watching a few Hitchcock films kind of for study, but also because I'd like to watch more classic films.

So today I am walking to the library to return North by Northwest when this bird comes out of nowhere and rushes at me like a kamakaze pilot. He hits me in the arm and then more or less puts it in reverse and sits down on a street sign, watching me and I'm looking up to him wondering what the fuck that was all about. End Scene.

After the library I go to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for a couple of dinners. So I'm walking back home with a heavy bag of groceries in each hand when this SAME fucking bird whizzes past the back of my neck. So close that I feel the feathers of his wing against my skin. I turn around and he's sitting there on a fence, fucking staring me down, psyching me out like he's gonna attack again. Now I have no arms, I am defenseless. I considered putting my bags down and squaring off with the bird, but I had refridgerated items and I get nervous about them being exposed to room temperature too long, because the walks alone is about 15 minutes. So I just backed away real slow-like, my eye trained on him, searching for any movement that might warn me of another attack. Fortunately I return in one piece.


Salad Fingers - Episode One

Demented, however undeniably addictive. Episodes 1-7, a progression into madness.

Also Called the Oblique

One of my main frustrations lately has been my utter fruitless attempts of getting my computer to recognize my camcorder in HD mode to capture video onto my computer. I have sought technical direction online and over the phone from Canon, Microsoft, Dell, answers. I'm talking probably a total of 8 hours of answer seeking. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am pretty persistent, being so I needed to fucking figure out what the hell the problem was. Well the other day after about 2 1/2 hours on the phone and online talking tech supports I was finally awarded an answer. You wanna know? The trial editing program I downloaded isn't compatible with my camera. First I'm glad it's only a trial version. Second WHY the fuck could they have not told me this the 1st or even the 2nd time I had talked to this company!?! So much wasted time, so much frustration for the simplest of answers!

For the past few days I've been fighting a cold. The summer cold. What a bastardly thing it is! It more of less knocked me on my ass. I'm still left with an annoying cough, a leaking nose and the occasionally sneeze. My immune system is shit lately.

Okay, so I often find wonder in the most simple, obvious things. Last night I was looking at my hand for some reason and I was all about how cool it is that your fingers, when the hand is fully opened, are all different lengths. Yet when you close your hand into a near fist, all fingers match up. What engineering!!

I also came to the conclusion that much of life is summed up by this: /

Last but not least I have BOOKED work!!! Two days on a Tina Fey movie. I am played a waiter apparently, casting said I was picked by the director. Of course every knows that's said just to make us feel good about ourselves. I am sure the director has much better things to do than cast extras. Still I am somewhat nervous, only for the fact that I am pretty much back to full Brek mode, meaning my hair is growing out (actually longer than it's been in a while) and I have a goatee once again. The thing is I look completely different than my headshot. I couldn't tell casting this because obviously I need the work. I just hope no one in production cares.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Premonition or Silly Dream?

Well I've hit another slow period for work. As frustrating as it is I am trying to make the most of it. From the very minimal of achievements, like finally buying a wallet to restore order to my back pocket to delving back into my script. Still the script goes slowly, though I am trying something new. Instead of just writing haphazardly, I am trying to outline the whole script, trying to write out story and character arcs. I think this will speed things up in the long run and ultimately save me. And yesterday I contatced the Promo guy I did some gigs for before and inquired about work. So yeah, I am getting some stuff done, still not working generally sucks.

I watched a matinee of Pirates 3 today. I am going to be honest here. Everyone I know hates the movie. But I ENJOYED it! Yeah I said it. I thought it was good. In fact it may have been my favorite. For me it was a perfect blend of comedy and action, and epic action at that, I mean two battling ships circling around a huge whirlpool? Come on! That's just good shit!

Ok onto the premonition!!! I had this dream last night where this hurricane devastated all of New York state and who know maybe even the world. For some reason I was upstate and of course it was a struggle for survival kind of situation. It was a very very long dream that had me and a few others surfacing in the aftermath and me scouting around and eventually finding a motorcycle and driving to NYC to find everything in rubble and then some 2X4's in the basement of a building I thought might be useful for rebuilding. okay where this gets weird is that today (post dream) I read some article about how it is likely that a major hurricane is bound to hit NYC sometime soon. To make the matter even more peachy, the East River (because of flooding) is one of the bad spots to be. Yeah, that's right where I live.

I guess that's about it for now....

Thursday, June 07, 2007

What is Blue?

The Next Great American Poet

Add to My Profile More Videos

Things To Do (or die)

The amount of time I slept yesterday was unprecidented. It was absurd. It was grotesque. I slept for ten hours in the morning and then throughout the day (on/off) I slept about 6 more hours. I don't know what was wrong with me. I remember thinking, "Am I really going back to sleep?" and then I would just pass out for another two hours. I guess I needed it. Because today I woke up at 9 with only about 5 hours of sleep and I left quite better. Still there are some things on my list that I need to take care of because slowly but surely they are starting to bug me. The first which I already mentioned deals with my family and the fact that I see them much less than I used to. See the thing is that I get up there and I am always worried about missing opportunities down here. I can get a call for work at any time. And when I am up there I have to deal with the trains and people getting me to the trains, and sometimes its just too much of a hassle for everyone I feel. This and my general aggravation of being less than mobile and my utter hatred of Amtrak has steered my into a final decision that is long overdue..... I'm putting my car back on the road.

The next is the deal with my headshots. I said I was going to get them printed probably two months ago now and I have yet to do that. My reasoning.... I want to have my reel done at the same time. So..... somehow this needs to get done. The only thing is I am not sure if I should wait to include some DCUP Land footage, only because it's SO different than material I have already. Plus both this and the car thing require me to being WORKING!!! Which I am not getting nearly enough of lately.

Which brings me onto another topic. I don't know why but I am not working like I used to. I don't know why, if it's just slow or what, but I need to start doing something about it. More specifically I think I am going to re-register with the guy I used to do a couple of promos for. The money isn't bad. Yeah, I am doing that today actually. I need some fucking work.

And last but certainly not least, I NEED to get back into my script. I have had plenty of time lately and I either avoid it or I just stare at a blank page until I eventually give up. I need to start planning out some scenes and moving forward. Because I am totally frustrated with myself on that. Probably more than anything else.

So there it is, these are things I need to get done. Feel free to question me about them and curse me out if I fail at any.

Hitting the Wall

The marriage ceremony was nice. The location was amazing, old country-style cottage type of country club with lush lawns and ponds and streams. The ceremony itself was interesting to say the least. It was the first Jewish marriage I've been to. Religions are weird anyway, but being introduced to one is always slightly surreal. As I entered the building I was asked if I wanted to wear a yamaka (sp?). I really wasn't expecting this question, so it took me a second before I said, " thanks." I didn't see much of what was going on during the ceremony because I was sitting in the back. I figured family and those religious should get the seats ahead of me. Then of course there was singing and dancing and speaches and such. Unfortunately I couldn't muster much energy and it seemed the more I drank, the more tired I became. So I laid pretty low. After the festivities everyone came over to our room in the hotel to drink and visit. Again I was tired and I didn't really know many of the people, so I kind of just sat there and thought to myself.
The next day we all met up with Clancy for lunch before leaving. I had some energy again and it made things a little more fun. Dave and I were ordering the same things for lunch so we decided we would sing our order to the waitress. She was either impressed or weirded out. Either is quite possible and acceptable to me. She told us no one had ever sung their order to her before and I believed her. Everyone seemed to be ordering ice tea to drink. I asked Clancy what was going on and he ordered, "order a drink!" So I shouted out "screwdriver!" It seems I opened a door, because almost everyone after me ordered alcohol.
Then we went East. To Ithica, New York to make camp for the night at a friend's place. There was more drinking, me showing people some youtube classics like Mr. Bones video and What Am I? and some of various musical ventures. We went out to some bar that had a foos (sp?) ball table, dart board and pool table. The place was cool, but the customers annoyed me. Once we were wasted we had a bunch of really bad/good ideas like lighting off fireworks and trespassing to climb up the roof of a mansion. I don't know how but we managed to stay awake until 6am. When I woke up I had officially hit the wall. I had no energy, my mood was shot, I didn't feel like talking. The day kind of sucked as there was alot of shit going on with the trains. I was catching the most expensive train back, it was two hours late. Plus I was kind of going back and off about just calling someone in my family to come and pick me up to visit them, since I was only about 40 mins away from them. I kind of feel crappy about it, so I'm hoping I at least get some work this week or weekend. Then I got home and collected my money from the 4 day gig the other week. Totally screwed as they included all days in one check.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I had every intention of doing this blog thing, but now that I'm here.... tomorrow.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Everybody Clap!

The reception practise thing was AMAZING!! It happened to be in the same hotel we were staying, so it was a nice, easy walk down. Upon approaching the crowd of guests were we handing food and booze immediately, I was introduced to some people of Clancy's I didn't know, tried to make sure there was always someone around me I did know. God forbid I have to someone I don't know all by myself. No, no! Then we went into the ballroom and went to our seats. The Bard group I know took up one table. We were...well...let's be honest, the COOL table. Dinner was a buffet. I opted for some high class Chinese, taking two fortune cookies cuz I knew they was gonna be bitch ass. After dinner Clancy's father (who had already gained much favor, going from table to table personally making sure people had booze) builds up to the introduction of this band that had been hidden behind a removable wall. Thet were a Gaelic band and they have performed for cast parties to all three of the LOTR's productions. Yeah, kind of impressive. Needless to say the band was REALLY good. Well, the thing with me is I am a musician, so when I hear live music I want-no I NEED- to participate. Of course I couldn't get on stage. I am obnoxious yes, but I'm not an asshole. Instead I made sure I started every hand clapping that helped out a song and I got as many people as I could to join. The funny thing was that many times, when I stopped clapping to get a drink or whatnot the clapping would just die out. They NEEDED me you understand. So I would start it back up, with a basic beat and then when everyone was doing that, I would do a more complicated beat within theirs. Ah, good times!! Of course the event wasn't about me, but I tried to make sure it would be a memorable experience for everyone especially Clancy. Maybe that is what brought me up to the stage, breaking out the Pirate Chanty: Barnacles Three with Dave, with Clancy doing backup vocals and our very own go-go dancer. We stayed up there (I was dying for a tambourine!) getting pretty much EVERYONE up to the stage with us at one point or another to sing any of the library of songs we performed. Stuffed that ranged from Beatles (hey jude, as well as many other) to Nirvana to Queen to the closing song in Beetlejuice.

For some reason as I continued to drink, I developed a weird fixation on stealing as many of catering's tiny spoons as I could. It was somewhat covert until I presented them onstage and attempted to use them as instruments. I ended the night with 5 tiny spoons.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Wait, what's in Ohio?

Alright, tomorrow I am off to Ohio. Who goes to Ohio? Let me tell you who goes to Ohio. People that have to. Sunday is Clancy's wedding and so Bardians are migrating westward. The great thing is how extremely impersonal and convenient present giving is these days for such events. The prospective bride and groom make a shopping list and you simply go online and order what they want and have it sent to their house. So until Tuesday that is where I will be.

This morning I went for a jog along my park and the East River. It was a really job, albeit short jog. I think I am going to jog much more...when I come back. for some reason since I have installed my ethernet card and re-introduced my desktop to the internet world, the computer has just SLOWED the fuck down. I don't know if it's all the systems procedures I had to go through with Sandee, my new friends from Dell, who lives in India or what but it's incredibly frustrating.

Yeah, I don't have much else, I'm sure I'll stories soon.