Sunday, June 03, 2007

Everybody Clap!

The reception practise thing was AMAZING!! It happened to be in the same hotel we were staying, so it was a nice, easy walk down. Upon approaching the crowd of guests were we handing food and booze immediately, I was introduced to some people of Clancy's I didn't know, tried to make sure there was always someone around me I did know. God forbid I have to someone I don't know all by myself. No, no! Then we went into the ballroom and went to our seats. The Bard group I know took up one table. We were...well...let's be honest, the COOL table. Dinner was a buffet. I opted for some high class Chinese, taking two fortune cookies cuz I knew they was gonna be bitch ass. After dinner Clancy's father (who had already gained much favor, going from table to table personally making sure people had booze) builds up to the introduction of this band that had been hidden behind a removable wall. Thet were a Gaelic band and they have performed for cast parties to all three of the LOTR's productions. Yeah, kind of impressive. Needless to say the band was REALLY good. Well, the thing with me is I am a musician, so when I hear live music I want-no I NEED- to participate. Of course I couldn't get on stage. I am obnoxious yes, but I'm not an asshole. Instead I made sure I started every hand clapping that helped out a song and I got as many people as I could to join. The funny thing was that many times, when I stopped clapping to get a drink or whatnot the clapping would just die out. They NEEDED me you understand. So I would start it back up, with a basic beat and then when everyone was doing that, I would do a more complicated beat within theirs. Ah, good times!! Of course the event wasn't about me, but I tried to make sure it would be a memorable experience for everyone especially Clancy. Maybe that is what brought me up to the stage, breaking out the Pirate Chanty: Barnacles Three with Dave, with Clancy doing backup vocals and our very own go-go dancer. We stayed up there (I was dying for a tambourine!) getting pretty much EVERYONE up to the stage with us at one point or another to sing any of the library of songs we performed. Stuffed that ranged from Beatles (hey jude, as well as many other) to Nirvana to Queen to the closing song in Beetlejuice.

For some reason as I continued to drink, I developed a weird fixation on stealing as many of catering's tiny spoons as I could. It was somewhat covert until I presented them onstage and attempted to use them as instruments. I ended the night with 5 tiny spoons.

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