Saturday, June 23, 2007

Killer Bird Witness

What have I been up to? Well... not much. I went upstate to visit family for about 4 days. It's the longest I've stayed up there in a while, but people wanted to see me so I stayed to make that possible. I haven't been up there much in the last year, so it was the least I could. Plus I really didn't have that antsy feeling I usually get when I am up there. I had a few accomplishments in my stay... completely embarassing my sister in Walmart once again, this time by yelling out "marinade" over and over in varying tones and inflections. Completely emabrassing my nieces at the bus stop by doing "the twist" as they got on board. And suggesting to my parents that we steal something from a restaurant before we left.

The return to the city has brought about anything worth mentioning. I am exercising consistently. I am watching movies. I am making plans. I am slowly forming my script. Oh wait! A friend stopped by the night I came back. He hasn't been in the city since forever, so it was good to see him here. And after trying to find each other in the rain and one of us without a phone, we eventually stopped by the DCUP bar to play some pool. It was there that I had my best break yet, sinking a couple of balls and setting up a few others. I brought him near the spot where the bird attacks and as I cautioned him, suddenly the bird appeared and side-swiped us. There is a witness now!

Work Sunday and Monday. Ain't it grand! I wouldn't mind working every fucking day next week.

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