Monday, July 31, 2006

My Umm... Day.

Eh. Laymen have the impression the artist's life is umm... exciting. OK, sometimes it is, sometimes it's amazingly busy. And then sometimes there are no phone calls coming in, there is no work, there is only aggravation. I've been in that second scenario too much lately. Nothing happening= nothing to talk about. Let me show you what I mean.

Today I woke up, ate some oatmeal, washed some dishes, went into the city, took money out of the bank for rent, went back to Astoria, cleaned my apartment thoroughly, ate dinner and here I am.

See it's very umm... very boring. Grinding's been going on all day, no it's not my teeth or said little gears in my head. I don't know what it is, don't really care, it's not like that will make it go away go away. Oh, I received in the mail today Life Aquatic. I ordered it the other day. Paid like 5 bucks for it!!! Nice huh? The case was a little distressed, so I exchanged the jackets with another dvd case in my collection, removed a little sticker from the disk and now it looks brand new!

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