Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Screenplay Shuffle

Seeing as how I secured work for Monday, I decided I would reward myself by entering a screenplay contest. I just happened to come across one that looked really good. The only problem was that the deadline was today (well by that I mean yesterday now.) To make it more of a crunch, it was then 4:15 pm and the post office closes at 5pm. I went back and forth on whether I should attempt such madness until I said fuck it, I'm doing it! Now stop wasting time!And just went to. So I printed out the application, wrote a summary and a paragraph about my history, and the basics. Tucked it in an envelope and made off to the post office. It was a 35 minutes wait there, forced to listen to a woman attack person after fleeting person with humdrum dialogue (anything to connect with people) and a little girl scream and run around the floor. I don't think I had ever seen a child so loud and upset for no reason. With the emergency deadline completed I still needed to submit the screenplay electronically and pay for the entry. It was a quick bite to eat after that and then to the Times Sqaure-athon.
Sitting in holding I did some research on script stuff, query letters, agencies, festivals. I think I am going to concentrate of getting a manager first thing, try to acquire some representative. That certainly seems key. I also think I will rewrite my query letter, I'm just not sure what I want to do yet. I am going to do some more research for certain though.

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