Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stamp It, Stamp It Good!

I made a very wet journey scouring my neighborhood for a mailbox today and after trudging about 8 blocks I reached one. As I flipped the cover over and brought the letter (my federal taxes) to the mail box I noticed something VERY wrong with this situation. NO STAMP! DAMN IT ALL!!! I don't feel like going outside again and I don't need to, because tomorrow I have to go into the city. So I will put stuff off until then.Tomorrow I am meeeting with the Personal Manager who contacted me. I called him today and asked some questions. "Do you manage writers or musicians also, because I am those as well," I asked. I was going to wait to ask this certain question, but at the moment I said "ah, fuck it" as I have a tendency of doing. He doesn't but he said he knows people. And he seems pretty anxious to meet me. So if all works out I could get hooked up real good. Apparently he visited my website for my work and that was why he eagerly called me on Sunday. Wow!! You mean you noticed?? I am just not used to that. I am hoping good things will happen tomorrow. I am bringing my Arcadium DVD, headshot, resume, a couple of my songs, anything I can think of.I also called my first production company today!!!! Damn I was nervous, only for the fact that I might need to pitch the script over the phone and that is just scary to me. But I didn't have to. They are sending me a release form and I am sending them my script. NO FUCKING QUERY LETTER!!! oh yeah!! How happy am I!!!

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