Monday, June 26, 2006

Rage Against the Screeech

Screech! You expect the public to hand over their hard-earned money while you sit on your ass and moan that your house is being taken away from you?? while you can't yourself take the time out to answer a short collection of inciteful and entertaining questions, prepared by those ready to join in your cause???
For those of you that don't know, Dustin Diamond, more popularly known as Screech from the 1990's hit show Saved by the Bell, is calling on the public to help save his home from foreclosure. He asking people to either buy a $15-20 shirt or a $1,000 brick to help in the effort. Why is he asking this from us? Because he thinks he deserves it from all the great contribution he made toward society from his prosperity working on a sucessful TV show?? Because we should feel sorry for has-been actors or actors who blow all their money on gay porn?? Or maybe what you are really doing Mr. Diamond, is letting loose a gimmick to those stupid or symphathetic enough to pay 20 bucks for a oversized T with your ugly mug on it. Anyway, these were the questions prepared by myself and a friend.

question one: do you believe there are enough crazed saved by the bell fans to save your home?

question two: were you swindled or bamboozled out of your money like that short kid on different strokes or did you just overspend?

question three: since miss bliss was only on SBTB for two seasons, do you think she is facing the same financial troubles?

question four: what advice would you give up and coming actors about money management?

question five: how come mr. belding isn't coughing up any dough? is it because he saved your ass so many times at bayside high?

question six: after the success of selling so many tee-shirts have you considered becoming an ebay powerseller?

question seven: did you, no… sorry… did screech ever have a man-crush on zack morris?

question eight: are you planning on introducing a sexier tee-shirt for your female fans so that you will constantly be smothered in boobies all day?

question nine: saved by the bell, the senior (home) years. what is your opinion on this? I know at least one person that would watch (picture me waving!)

question ten: how big a party should your fans expect to have at your house after saving it for you and will there be drugs, booze, and strippers?

Now you're obviously not doing shit in the way of work to save your house, so my guess is you're online googling nude pics Tiffany Amber-Thiessen. Get your hand out'cho pants and try responding to the few people in the world still interested in the novelty that is you.

(here's his link, go there and make all sorts of false promises to crush his spirit.)

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