Sunday, June 04, 2006

Chest Pains

I finished reading the third script last night. I want to discuss specifically how ridiculous this script was, but out of respect of the writer (for trying) I won't. I"ll just say I was very happy to close the file. I have yet to write the review, some time day. This means I have one more script to read. I an slightly anxious to see what will happen once I have fulfilled my commitment. Will I then able to read the reviews other have left for my script. I hope people enjoyed it and it wasn't the kind of torture I went through with this last script.
After my head hit the pillow, I was in a dead sleep. The first time for a while that I didn't wake up for the number of reasons I usually do. I slept about 10 hours and woke up to this pain in my chest. I had to take somewhat shallow breaths otherwise I felt it. There are only two reasons I can think for this, 1: I kept the windows open last night, because it was creating the perfect sleeping temperature and 2: I slept on my stomach. However, leaving the windows open sometimes leaves me with a sore throat, never chest pains. And I usually sleep on my stomach without consequence. So I am not sure what the cause is, but I am still feeling it.
Today I am going to try to write my next entry to Dead Land, so I'll leave an update if I am succesful. And of course, try to get some career work done before I go back to work tomorrow.

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