Friday, June 09, 2006

OJ Up the Nose

So yesterday... I met with the personal manager. It went very well, I told him about my life, my work, showed him samples of the films I have made, my music, it went on for about two hours. Much longer than either of us anticipated I think. His second interview walked in and the manager gave us script to read. He wanted to test my cold reading abilities. We did the scene, then switched characters and did it again. Then he called me over and snatched my script away and said, "now do it!" I exclaimed, "shit!" Fortunately I am pretty quick at remembering lines, so I wasn't too lost when we did the scene again and I was without a script. He asked us to to it one more time. This time I said fuck it and purposefully ad-libbed the lines and brought the scene someplace else entirely. Not sure if that was good, but I committed to it. Long story short, I now have representation. The guy seems genuine, he seems impressed by what I have done and anxious to help me out, so I am hoping for the best.
After all that someone gave me a tip on an open call, so despite sever hunger and a desperate urge to pee, I walked pretty much to the Hudson to get to this place. Dropped my stuff of, found a gas station, went #1 and bought a granola bar and made my way back. It was a good day, a very good day start to finish.

....This morning... Straight to the computer to work, typing and eating oatmeal, drinking OJ from the carton because there was too little left to justify dirtying a glass. Trying for the last few drops, so much OJ went up my nose. I could feel it fill like a pool before I tipped my head back down. I have learned my lesson.

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