Monday, June 05, 2006

On Display

Don't think I have detailed what I do as a stand-in. Basically my job is to watch the actor rehearse his scene and note his movements and cues. Then the actor steps out and I step in. The crew then uses me to get their lighting set and camera movements established. Sometimes you do the movements, sometimes you speak the dialogue, sometimes you just stand there. But people are always looking at you, well kind of, they are looking at the effects of what they do to you. Needless to say you have to look through them as they do this and be extremely patient and still. Right now I am standing in for a singer at a ball. So I am standing on a stage in front of 150+ people whenever I am called to set. Oddly enough it doesn't really phase me. Today temptation got the best of me. While I was waiting for them to move a camera crane off set (they had an awesome crane there today, it was epic) I picked up the guitar leaning against a chair and started to play. It was a sweet guitar. I did it twice actually, the second time Susan Sarandon walked in with all her witch makeup. I noted how odd it was that I was playing at the moment, until they kicked everyone off set for a private rehearsal. Didn't do much work for the last few hours of the night, so it gave me a chance to write. I intend to have my Dead Land entry posted tonight so Kalju can post his tomorrow. Still not sure if I am working tomorrow, I will find out at some point. I have a feeling I am. Right now I am on my way home, cozy home. I'll be back later with updates.

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