Monday, June 12, 2006

The Giving Tree

It was a good, productive day. I talked with my manager, sent him some pictures to use, asked about how to go about getting one of my many projects geared toward production. Talked to the photographer who's going to take my new headshot. He shared his ideas with me, so in about 2-3 weeks I go in for the shoot. I called production companies for my script, had one success anyway. Sent "thank you" post cards out, hoping I'm repaid with more work. Kind of got into a cleaning frenzy, nothing was out of bounds, cleaned my garbage bucket and chipped the calcium build-up from the toilet bowl (was that too much to share, it wasn't from me!!) This was no small task as it involved a machete. Went to the park, to which I am becoming more and more attached. Found a tree, reclined, relaxed, brainstormed..fell a sleep. Woke up and returned to my apartment to work out. A good workout today. Looked up more screenplay contest, decided to hold off a bit until I get some work to support the cost of entry fees. That's about it. It was a full day, and I enter the night content, except for the absence of booked gigs. Patience....

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