Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Terribly Gruesome Scene

Just a few random things:

I watched a bio today on Mary Pickford. Honestly, I didn't know who she even was, her name was familiar to me and that was about all. I'm always amazed when am introduced to facts and things that well... you'd think I know, like the yule log for instance. A burning log on TV? What? Anway, back to Mary Pickford. In the 20's she was an actress whose fame equaled Charlie Chaplin. She was essentially America's first Hollywood sweetheart. But she was quite a woman, constantly challenging her acting, the stories, the film medium, even the audiences with her endless creative ambitions. Known for her beauty she took roles that uglied her up, she played multiple roles in the same film, knowing that being so radical with her creative control (yes, she fought for creative control) could ruin her career. She started United Artists, and help run the distribution company, making it into a permier corporation. Her story is impressive, saddening, inspiring, romantic.... IMDB offers a small bio.....

Pickford on IMDB

Moving on:
I think TV/FILM productions really need to acknowledge that when people dig up graves, they don't do it in a perfect rectangle. I saw it both on programs last night and today. And it's just ridiculous.

Also, have you ever seen news casters try to act all human-like? It is the most bizarre scene! Mostly they try to take on human humor and then cover up their failed joke with lots of laughter and more adlibbing. Last night I was watching the news and they were celebrating someone's 20 year anniversary. And somehow by the time the tribute ended, all the news personalities were talking and walking, hands held, in a cirle. Like that Charley Brown special. Or wait, was that The Grinch That Stole Christmas? It was freaky creepy at any rate.
So I was making lunch today and preparing some beets. Yes, beets! I like beets! But the last few times that I have eaten beets the part where I get the beets out of the can have somehow gone horribly wrong, resulting in beet juice virtually everywhere. It happened again today. It always happens so quickly that I stand there in the aftermath, mouth stuck open, empty beet can in my left hand, fork in my right, both arms frozen, looking upon this great red mess. Is it worth it?

(shrugging shoulders)


Mmmm. Beets.

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