Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas Tree Massacre

The tradition of the Christmas tree seems so stupid to me, that I HAD to look up the its origins. There are several different accounts of how this senseless tradition start, the most likely: that hardcore Christian Martin Luther started the tradition when he brought into his home a small fir tree to replicate to his children a marvelous sight he witnessed in the woods. He decorated the tree with candles to honor Christ's birth. Mind you: this from a man that bragged about fighting off Satan his "happy songs" and an inkwell. Other theories include many Pagan traditions that somehow became intertwined with Christian tadition. This I also find likely, just look at Easter. I don't know which origin I favor to be true. Both are pretty funny to me.

Anyway, I don't mind if people feel the need to put up a tree in your home and decorate it. It's good, quality family time. But why can't you use a fake tree?? I have family that uses them, and they look pretty damn realistic. And it's much more sensable. You're not cutting down a tree to wrap some lights around it and watch it die and litter your carpet with needles for 3 three weeks, before you promptly toss it outside the day after Christmas. And you're not spending the money every year to buy a new one.


1 comment:

JOY said...

Interesting reading. Most people put the trees up without knowing why.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Love the blog.