Sunday, December 31, 2006

The New Years Toss Up

I really haven't decided what do to about New Years Eve celebrations. The original plan was to go to Times Square tonight. I've lived in NYC for two years and haven't yet seen the ball drop live. The thing is I'd also like to get an early start tomorrow and start the trip off and the two plans don't really compliment eachother. But I'm here and I have a friend to celebrate the end of the year with, so it seems like I might as well end it with a big tado. Plus besides going out to eat and some pool playing, we haven't done much with the outside world yet. But then again its really all about the trip at this point and maybe a Times Square late night bash is too much to ask for, especially when considering the masses and the unfortunate hassle of crowded subways and getting back to the apartment.

Speaking of the trip, we started talking about the possibility of actual encountering spirits and what our strategy would be. The two options seem to be meet back to back, or of course RUN. The thing is we have purposefully found the creepiest places to go with the most belligerent spirits/activity we could find, ie. spirits chasing after you, attacking your car. And honestly I don't think knives are going to defend us and though not bringing holy water could prove a mistake, I think holy water is rather silly and don't place much trust in it protecting me. Wednesday, the night of the full moon, we are going to a forest where all sorts of weird shit goes down. Then there's the haunted undergroud tunnel, where you can hear childrens' voices whispering, "come on, come on." We consquently spooked each other the fuck out last night. But then again, it's kind of what the trip is about. I just realized more or less last night, that this is a crazy ass plan. We have no idea how to combat angry spirits.

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