Friday, December 01, 2006

Shaving for the Greater Good

Well, I'm kind of excited. I got a call today from casting. My headshot was submitted for some featured background for a movie. Usually featured BG doesnt really get me too excited. But this might actually turn into something. They are writing in scenes for this characters that I may play. Casting said there were no lines, which is why I would rank still as BG and not principal. But my hope is that if they are going through the trouble of addending the script and budgeting the extra scenes they must see the content as important, and therefore an upgrade is slightly more likely.

The only thing is that I need to look similar to the other actor for it to make sense in the story. Which I think I do. We both have dark features, similar faces shapes, close in age, same build, and same height. Of course I had to shave my beard off. It was a surprisingly quick and painless procedure this the electric sheers I bought a couple of months ago. Though there was hair everywhere. The last time I shave my beard, I had to cut it down with scissors. It wasn't pretty, let's just say. Lot's of cuts.... So I think I should know by Monday. Yeah, sorry, I'll get more specific later.

Please cross!

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