Thursday, August 24, 2006

That's a What?

A wrap!!!

Though my logic was somewhat flawed this morning, I had a feeling it was going to be a short day. And a short day it was! Just five little itty bitty hours. The day wasn't very exciting. I was on set most of the time just doing background doing what FBI tech's do, you know making mad dashes across rooms with metal cases, jotting notes, looking confused.
I did start the morning off right, with an agrument with a piece of shit extra, didnt even make it to set before (was in the courtesy van) I was mixing it up.
Had a nice NYC downpour on the way home. The rain felt great but there was just one problemo, I had too many electronics to be caught in a shit storm. So I opened my backpack, wrapped my laptop in my jacket, stuck my phone in my back pocket, because your backside never gets it. And stepped outside of the platform. So much wetness then followed. Came home stripped everything off, checked my laptop which was dripping water, but still seemed fine. And now here I am. Here I am.

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