Monday, August 07, 2006

New York State...Of Mind

The ride home was long. The train crawled through most of the Upstate stops. And there I sat in my seat, mumbling curses to Amtrak under my breath with a squinty eye. I dozed for a bit, admittedly a mistake since now I doubt I will get to sleep at a decent hour. As I dodged through crowds in Penn Station like a fighter pilot to make it to the subway, a quick thought crossed my mind. I'm back in the city, the city where nothing smells pretty or as the conductor dubbed it, the pearl of the world. (come to think of it conductors were kind of funny today. In Saratoga one announced, "some one please come to the lost and found to claim a hearing aid that was discovered in the parking lot. Though you probably can't here this announcement.") It's good to be back. There's a grittiness and a fight to New York City that I appreciate. SO HERE I AM. I'm going to go out get some food, some booze and celebrate my return real proper-like. I have some query letters to finish for tomorrow's mailing and some order to restore to my apartment as well.
I am now a respectable extra. Tomorrow I am working on The Sopranos finally. A theater attendant. I'm gonna shave and slick that shit back and see if I can't get some screen time. Usually I don't give a shit, but I guess I just feel like getting noticed tomorrow. It's a silly thought and will pass once I am on set I'm sure. I also received a second call for tomorrow, so I hope this is a good sign. I really need to get back on track. Because these last two months have been discouraging as all hell.

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