Sunday, August 06, 2006

circa...when I get there

Something I am doing for myself on this little excursion home is relieving the stress of time schedules by throwing out a lot of circas to people. "I'll be there around so and so." Everytime time I am here I end up dividing up my days like math equations, but this time....this time I am going with the flow. And damn it is nice. Did some visiting today, ate non stop and swam some. My body is seeing the sun for the first time in a while and I actually have a tan going on now.
I went to the racetrack for a bit to see a horse my step-father co-owns race and watched him gamble afterwards. Watched because I can't bring myself to gamble away money, even if its not mine. Later on there was a card game at my sister's and some drinking. I walked face first into a glass door (I am going to check for marks tomorrow) and ate toast. I am content to do it all over again tomorrow...even the door accident.

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