Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Businesses Letting the Cold Air Right out!

[I have an idea I think not only interesting but relevant to news concerning the city’s power shortage right now.
Pass by the clothing stores and tourist shops of Manhattan or any of the boroughs for that matter. Does it make any sense for the businesses to leave their store doors WIDE OPEN? It’s 102 degrees out, the power of every area is in jeopardy of suddenly losing electricity because of an overwhelming demand and these places are letting the cold air right out into the streets. It’s infuriates me! I am sure they do it to draw in tourists on hot afternoons, but they are also contributing to outages that tourists come here and suffer through. Meaning bad experiences and lost revenue. It’s so wasteful and insensible it makes me want to spit!
Another thing I don’t get is why establishments have to make these places SO cold!! It’s 100+ degrees outside, why do you have your thermostat set at 65. I walked into a post office yesterday and my body nearly went into hypothermic shock. Aren’t we supposed to be conserving???? I say shame on the businesses! Oh and how’s this for irony, in middle of my progress writing this letter, my power goes out! Please send someone onto the streets; I know you’ll see what I mean. Thanks for listening.

That was the letter I wrote this morning to each of the five news channels of NYC. Once I submitted the email, I followed up with a phone call. The first number I called was Channel 7 (abc.) The guy starts arguing with me, telling me that businesses don't do this...he's never seen would be a waste of their money. So I argue right fucking back as well as give him specific examples of when I've seen it. Does this guy works overnighters on the sidewalks of Times fucking Square? I think not! Does this guy live with his head shoved up his own ass... I think so bitches! So after I said all this, he gives me a "well, we'll look into it." Don't fucking patronize me fucker!
He just pissed me off and made me more determined to reveal the truth. I called the next station (Fox 5) and restated everything, with some new points I thought up during the fucker conversation and I also used the fucker, saying people are trying to disregard it. She didn't say much, but she took all my contact info and said they'd look into it.
Then I called NBC and started in and the lady cuts in and says, "Ha, the governor JUST made a special point in his announcement to the public saying to all businesses, "you're wasting electricity, shut your doors and stop letting the A/C out." I laughed, "no way!" She said, "yup!"
I said I had been writing and calling news channels all morning about it and then I told about the channel 7 fuckface and she laughed more. You hear you fuckface over at channel 7, the governor agrees (listened??) to/with me and we laughed at you! And that's New York City!!


Anonymous said...

The last sixty or so years have blessed America, as well as most of the western world, with the a basic economic equation:

money = resources

If there is a shortage in resources, very little changes:

more money = resources

Our generation will unfortunately have to deal with a different equation before long:

money = jack shit when resources are gone

The power in NYC is just an early example. Right now, it's still worth it to businesses to waste power in hopes to attract customers. Government will never impose or enforce waste laws because it's bad business. Basically, someday we're going to have to start rationing resources, and people are going to be very surprised.

But perhaps not with more concerned citizens like yourself! Gold star for Rick!


rec327 said...

Thanks creepyd. I caught two investigative reports about stores not closing their doors and letting out A/C today on the news. Coincidence I think not!