Monday, August 14, 2006

Absent of Mind

I'm just doing some stupid stuff lately. The other day I sent a thank you postcard to an casting agency, which is good and all, except that the person I was sending it to works in another company. Then today I get my mail and there's a response from a literary agency, so I open and inside is my original letter untouched along with the return evelope. So I think to myself, "man, that's insulting they didn't even read it, they just sent it back." Then I realize that I sent MYSELF the query letter and put the agency addressed letter inside. YEEEAH!

Anyway, work is good for this week though. Thanks to a friend I have some promotional work booked for this weekend. I've never done this type of work before. I'm a little nervous about it. Being thrown into such a blatant social situation, but the money isn't too bad (not for SAG standards but better than Gap.) They are going to be LONG days, 14 hours for the first two and I think 6 on the last, which I am not too psyched about, but it's gonna pay half my rent, so it's worth it. It's also on Coney Island, the bad: two hour trip away, the good: I'll be at the beach all day. I booked work for tomorrow so YAY some more.

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