Friday, September 01, 2006

"You Reek of Human"

What a fucking ride it's been lately. Yesterday was one of the best experiences I've had on set as a stand-in. Besides the crew being great, having chicken, potato and shrimp salad at crafty, and feeling quite comfortable on set, we got to rehearse reading the lines. Which is much better than just standing there while they stick a tape measure to your forehead.

I was bombarded with calls from casting agencies, asking me to work. Which is just fucking great. I had to strategize everything, so I'm not working on American Gangester today but on Criminal Intent. Because this morning I had to audition for a possible 8 week stand-in gig for Tim Roth!! (title quote) or some other guy. I should be hoping so much to get the gig, but this time I am. Which I am already considering what I will done with the money surplus... mostly concerning my car. Fixing it, putting it back on the road and using the damn thing until I get it sold. The idea of being able ot drive where ever the fuck I want definately has it's own, still I don't know if I want a car in the city. But on the other hand!!! having it the road will make it easier to sell, and if it's on the road, I may as well USE it.

I welcome the three day weekend, I need to catch up on alot of two. These last two weeks have been a solid busy, and I've needed to grocery shop for at least a week now. I'm losing weight like a mother fucker. I also plan on investing on a bag for my suit and some spray-on dewrinkler, cuz I can't hear another wardrobe person tell me I shouldn't bring my clothes in a backpack. I don't have an iron, I don't fucking want on, and if I did have have I would fucking care enough to iron my shit. But unfortunately the wardrobe people DO care.

I feel like I have project after project going on, and it's a good feeling. ShE is really close to being done. And then I need to run the gamut of film festivals and such with that. Dead Land of course, which I want to look into avenues of publication. I am helping one friend with an indy short he wants to do and another friend is asking for my help on his film project. I love the process of it all, I can't help it and in the last year I'm really enjoying collaborating with people.

Have a good Labor (or whatever the fuck holiday it is) Day weekend. I'm gonna crash tomorrow.
Looking through the paper I came across a listing of all the new shows about to air that are filming in New York. I'll post them later, not so you can look for me in them, but so you can watch them and keep me fucking working! :)

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