Friday, September 15, 2006

Postal Zombies

I am currently sitting in holding, wishing I had brought my laptop. I can never guess right with that thing. I did bring my book, so I may be forced myself back into it. Astoria is really the place to live, there are SO many studios in my back yard. Today I'm at Silvercup, haven't been here in a while. Its kind of like that feeling I get when I visit home and my parents' houses are familiar but a little strange at the same time. Dress is downscale today which is GREAT because I'm wearing my over-worn-in jeans and a comfy jacket.

Since I felt like crap yesterday and slept until nearly 1pm, and spent the rest of my time awake writing, I neglected a much needed visit to the post office. So in order not to be completely frustrated with myself I stopped by the USPS today before work. Is it just me or do postal workers resemble zombies? I don't mean the brain eating kind, I mean the voodoo kind that are more sluggish and mentally slow than anything else. It took me about 20 mins to get 30 postcard stamps. As the clock inched towards danger I really came close to violent screams but I kept it in and still managed to get to set on time. And now here I am....waiting. Ha, time to hit up crafty!

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