Friday, September 08, 2006

Smoking in the Classroom: The Adventures of Mr. Tight Pants

What an incredibly boring day it was. I hate church basements and so does my phone. Truth be told, T-Moble sucks ass. I hate it when people around me are chatting on their phones without a care in the world, and I've got zilch for reception. But church basements suck too. I waited in holding for about 7 hours... I read the paper, went back and forth to Crafty, started reading Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (which at this point, is a drawn-out agonizing torture, I have really started to hate descrition that does nothing for the story, still I am hoping the book becomes more readable soon.) I startedworking on my friend and my script for this short as well, using my phone as a word processor. That was most of my day right there. Booya! Such thrills!

The movie is set in the 70's, so I was outfitted in period garb. The pants were... how can I put it gently, crotch huggers, they hugged everything actually. It seems everytime I get fitted for period costumes, I get the tightest pants in stock. Not very comfortable and when lunch came I took them off and put my jeans back on. Lunch took me to Popeye's for a chicken sandwich, unfortunately it wasn't until I starting walking a few blocks that I realized wardrobe's sneakers were way to tight on me. The walk back to holding was heavily persuaded by the avoidance of pain. Finally around 7:30pm they brought us to set. It was a classroom scene and I was a law student. It was a short scene, in and out after the painstaking setup was complete. They asked if anyone was willing to smoke. Ummm, yeah, right here! You may not know this, but us SAG actors get paid extra when we smoke, as do they people around us who have to breath it in. There was a guy next to me, who kept coughing from my smoke. I felt like saying, come on, be a man, I just got you a few more bucks! It's actually pretty damn weird smoking in a class enviroment. A text book open on my lap, a note pad on top of that as I jot notes and puff away.

I booked out a little too fast and accidentally forgot my wallet in wardrobe's pants, so I had to run back and hunt it down. And that folks! that was my day!

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