Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pow....Right in the Kisser

A wise person once told me something about blogging-"It's not a chore. Don't do it, if you don't want to." So sorry that I've been a little negligent with my WENO page, but I just haven't felt like it lately. It's probably something to do with my output levels lately. Between my normal music, rap songs, scripts, deadlandings, and illustrations I'm spent by the time the end of the night comes.

What have I been up to? Well that's another reason. Not much for the past few days. Just that list up there and daily chores, routines, eatings and work-outs.

Today was a good day, a fair amount of going back and forth between Queens and the city. I had lunch at one of my most favorites places in all of NYC, The Igloo. I know some of you are licking your chops at the very mention of this name. Paninis to fucking kill for! Let's see there was also unprevoked flipping people off, breaking out into song on ocassion and 2 emergency bathroom visits, got made fun of for being a Tom Waits fan...by a Justin Timberlake fan. Yeah, Justin ever write a lyric like, "all donuts have names that sound like prostitutes" ? NO!

I had an audition today for a short film. It went .....ehhhh. This is how it went down- I walk in, starting out all suave and the like, fill out the papers and get lead into the audition room. Up to this point I'm not really nervous at all. There are about 5 people in this room. Still not a big deal, say hi to them all, put my bag down and sit in this chair in front of the camera. Well, my phone goes off. "How's embarassing," says I. "Well, at least I'm not using that cheasy 80's porn music ringer anymore." They laugh a little and turn the camera on. Suddenly I realize I still have gum in my mouth. They notice this and stop the camera, so I can remove it. Now I can't get up from this chair, through all the dialogue I have to sit there. And THIS suddenly gets my nervous. No this isn't an uncommon thing. I just don't see why producers, writers, directors want to see someone sitting in a chair, doing lines. It's like telling a writer not to use words longer than three letters long in a book. It's restricting and it's unnatural and well, it's just fucking stupid.... in my opinion. I think that I may have overcompensated because of the chair and read the lines a little too dramatically than comedically. Though for the last line I had to say, "I oughta..." and then I point a gun at a man. End scene. I decided I'd instead point the gun, say "pow," wait a beat, then say "right in the kisser." No idea why. They laughed at that, but honestly I doubt I will be getting a call back. And it's fine. The experience was worth it. In fact I think I am going to start submitting to student films, if for nothing else than to go to more auditions.

On the way home, I was still speaking the lines, kind of going over how I should have said them instead. It's just how I am. I wanted to go back up there and say, let me try this again, and do a completely different approach. But come on! Why? I just like pushing myself like that though. Working on something until I have it done.

ANYWAY! I noticed I had a message, so I went to my voicemail and it was my older neice. The second time I've ever had a message from her. She was doing some kind of weird voice (yes unfortunately I've influenced them in their upbringing) and asking what language arts was for her homework. She's 9 now. It's amazing. It could almost make one feel old.

I completely splurged in two areas today. First I went to blockbuster, to that pre-viewed section, where videos are affordable to buy, you know. And I bought 3 movies. "The Aviator" which I've seen before and love. "Red Eye" never seen it but the previews looked good, and Cillian Murphy seems like an interesting actor. "Wedding Crashers" still havent seen it, but only so many people can tell you how funny something is, before you must see for yourself. And then!! I bought eggs, bacon, potatoes, and bread for breakfast tomorrow. Mmmm mmmm! I'm working, so hopefully my call time isn't too early. But I'm working with a friend! Work's been good like that lately.

Pow!!! Right in the kisser!!!


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