Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gorilla Filming

Aside from the key thing, yesterday was a good day. I got called for a possible 2 month stand-in gig for yet another actor that I really respect and amire. Though he's a couple of inches taller than me, casting still submitted me. So during my lunch break I walked over (luckily set happened to be pretty close to the casting office) and had my picture taken for the submission. I'm not expecting the gig, I am sure people with closer heights will be submitted, and even though this casting place seems to really like me, it's the director who is making the choice.

It was a pretty short day yesterday, about 6 or 7 hours. But it felt shorter than that. I guess it makes sense, since between thursday and friday I worked about 30 hours. It was all 2nd unit stuff. The first time we went to set, I wasn't picked for the scene, so I just hovered crafty and had myself a bowl of Apple Jacks and a a protein fruit smoothie for the Naked company, which by the way was very filling and tasted awesome. Talked to my sis on the phone and then headed back to holding, where much of the day was spent. The second time I went to set they brought us a few blocks from holding to this little restaurant place. If I didn't know any better I would say they were using gorilla techniques. The camera was on a tripod. It was surprising how weird this looked to me. Because every production around here uses camera dollies for stationary shots, never tripods. The AD picked a girl and me to sit at a table, the camera on the opposite side of the street. They never said rolling but said we were done. So I don't know if they were just being sneaky and didn't shoot anything. Then I saw the owner of the establishment bitching production out and suddenly set was on the move. And that was the extent of the "work" I did for the day.

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