Saturday, September 16, 2006

I Know I Heard Something

There really wasn't much going on at work today, because I was only there was about 4 and half hours. The scene was really freaking funny though. I was working on Knight of Prosperity. Usually I don't name what I'm working on, since anonymity is just safer. But I mention the show to confirm that this is indeed a funny show and you should watch it.

As I was waiting on set with the other extras, there was this older woman standing next to me who kept mumbling to herself. And every time I looked over to catch her, she stopped. Eventually it just got either too annoying/creepy and I moved to another spot.

That's about it for my day, bought one of the skillet dinners, cuz I didnt feel like cooking. Sunday I am working this promo gig for Sprint at the Jet's Stadium in the Meadowlands with a friend. Monday unfortunately I have no work set up. Maybe I will use this time to figure out a new approach to getting my scripts out there....yeah.

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