A pair sat on the bottum steps leading to the subway platform. As stap hangers raced down to wait for their train, they were careful in sneaking a peep at the two. The girl on the right could have been dead. Her body was limp; a deep red trail started at her feet and flowed down off the edge of the platform. Her head was buried into the lap of her companion, a transvestite, uncommonly tall and undeniably manly. He had the face of an ugly Iggy Pop and wore tight jeans, a blouse, and high heels that planted his feet awkwardly against the ground. Waiting for the girl to wake up, he fought off people's glances and meticulously brushed his long blonde wig from his eyes.
Finally someone asked the transvestite the question everyone wanted to know.
"She's fine. She just drank to much red wine," he responded.
I've never seen anyone puke up straight untainted red wine before.
The next rush came and people never failed in looking back in curiousity. A man in a monkey suit tramped right through the wine-womit and a stamped the platform with a red footprint as he looked for a place among the crowd to camp out for the next train.
Sitting a few steps above the couple this whole time was a homeless woman. Suddenly she asked if the girl wanted a rubber band to clear the hair from her face. The transvestite's mug smoothed over with a kindness as he accepted the woman's help. As the woman herself put the drunken girl's hair in a pony tail, there was a distant thankful smile on the girl's face. The first and only sign of life she was to display that night.
Finally the roar of the N train came and I quickly stepped inside, more eager than imaginable to reach home. A door down the transvestite was backing into the car, carrying the arms of the drunken girl. On the other end of the girl was the woman, who struggled to left the dead weight into the car before the door closed. Once they were in and the doors closed, all three collapsed to the floor and sat there triumphantly.
The crowd inside the car cracked smiles and made whispers for the first few moments. Then the threesome was no longer an attraction, but had assimilated into the environment as a norm.
The transfer from Manhattan to Queens is always the same bout of rattles and metal screams. It's a fine moment a chaos, complimented perfectly by a recorder, tambourine and modern/intrepreative dance forms and a final bow of two subway performers.
The transvestite and the woman jumped to their feet and hoisted the useless lump up as the car door opened for the first time in Queens. As they brought the body out, the N train closed her doors, left them behind and didn't look back. She had seen this before, we all had, this is NYC after all.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Blowing the Dust Off

Saturday I (with my filmmaking partners) will be showing the trailer to our feature film Lycian at the Mocca Lounge in NYC. There will be other filmmakers there also showing their own trailers.
If you're in or around Tribeca September 30th (this Saturday,) stop by. It's free to get in. And I have no idea what to expect. Which is kind of exciting.
It starts at 7:30pm.
The Mocca Lounge
78 Reade St (Cross Street: Church Street)
New York, NY 10007
(It looks really swank huh?)
Gorilla Filming
Aside from the key thing, yesterday was a good day. I got called for a possible 2 month stand-in gig for yet another actor that I really respect and amire. Though he's a couple of inches taller than me, casting still submitted me. So during my lunch break I walked over (luckily set happened to be pretty close to the casting office) and had my picture taken for the submission. I'm not expecting the gig, I am sure people with closer heights will be submitted, and even though this casting place seems to really like me, it's the director who is making the choice.
It was a pretty short day yesterday, about 6 or 7 hours. But it felt shorter than that. I guess it makes sense, since between thursday and friday I worked about 30 hours. It was all 2nd unit stuff. The first time we went to set, I wasn't picked for the scene, so I just hovered crafty and had myself a bowl of Apple Jacks and a a protein fruit smoothie for the Naked company, which by the way was very filling and tasted awesome. Talked to my sis on the phone and then headed back to holding, where much of the day was spent. The second time I went to set they brought us a few blocks from holding to this little restaurant place. If I didn't know any better I would say they were using gorilla techniques. The camera was on a tripod. It was surprising how weird this looked to me. Because every production around here uses camera dollies for stationary shots, never tripods. The AD picked a girl and me to sit at a table, the camera on the opposite side of the street. They never said rolling but said we were done. So I don't know if they were just being sneaky and didn't shoot anything. Then I saw the owner of the establishment bitching production out and suddenly set was on the move. And that was the extent of the "work" I did for the day.
It was a pretty short day yesterday, about 6 or 7 hours. But it felt shorter than that. I guess it makes sense, since between thursday and friday I worked about 30 hours. It was all 2nd unit stuff. The first time we went to set, I wasn't picked for the scene, so I just hovered crafty and had myself a bowl of Apple Jacks and a a protein fruit smoothie for the Naked company, which by the way was very filling and tasted awesome. Talked to my sis on the phone and then headed back to holding, where much of the day was spent. The second time I went to set they brought us a few blocks from holding to this little restaurant place. If I didn't know any better I would say they were using gorilla techniques. The camera was on a tripod. It was surprising how weird this looked to me. Because every production around here uses camera dollies for stationary shots, never tripods. The AD picked a girl and me to sit at a table, the camera on the opposite side of the street. They never said rolling but said we were done. So I don't know if they were just being sneaky and didn't shoot anything. Then I saw the owner of the establishment bitching production out and suddenly set was on the move. And that was the extent of the "work" I did for the day.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Anyone Else Smell That?
This morning:
Thow jacket on, bag, phone - check, wallet - check, get the lights, and I'm out the door. Wait, hmm... Search my right little pant pocket (you know that tiny one meant for change or a lighter,) search the big pocket, search the left pant pocket, search my jacket pockets, search my pants pockets again. No fucking way. Fuck yeah. I forgot my keys, I am now locked out of my apartment. Just fucking great.
To make matters worse, my landlady is out of town. Her daughter is assuming command. But I have no idea when she's around. If I had time I would have tried her, but I needed to jet.
Holding is in a church basement. My least favorite sort of holding. There is a bathroom next door and it doesn't smell too pretty. Let's see here, sit in a basement, cluttered next to other extras, sniffing toilet fumes and bombarded with "jesus is our savior" pamphlets OR sit on the steps outside of a most pleasant sun-filled breezy day??? Hmm...
NFT saved the day again. I just happened to bring the book with me. We're filming in the west village, a little lower than I am used to, so I was feeling a bit Christopher Columbus getting off the subway. Looking at a map of this area is like looking through a kalidescope. There are three different Waverly streets and I picked the wrong one at first. But NFT got me to set in a cinch. Thank you NFT.
I hope it's a short day only for the reason of solving my little situation as I really don't feel like sleeping on the patio tonight.
Thow jacket on, bag, phone - check, wallet - check, get the lights, and I'm out the door. Wait, hmm... Search my right little pant pocket (you know that tiny one meant for change or a lighter,) search the big pocket, search the left pant pocket, search my jacket pockets, search my pants pockets again. No fucking way. Fuck yeah. I forgot my keys, I am now locked out of my apartment. Just fucking great.
To make matters worse, my landlady is out of town. Her daughter is assuming command. But I have no idea when she's around. If I had time I would have tried her, but I needed to jet.
Holding is in a church basement. My least favorite sort of holding. There is a bathroom next door and it doesn't smell too pretty. Let's see here, sit in a basement, cluttered next to other extras, sniffing toilet fumes and bombarded with "jesus is our savior" pamphlets OR sit on the steps outside of a most pleasant sun-filled breezy day??? Hmm...
NFT saved the day again. I just happened to bring the book with me. We're filming in the west village, a little lower than I am used to, so I was feeling a bit Christopher Columbus getting off the subway. Looking at a map of this area is like looking through a kalidescope. There are three different Waverly streets and I picked the wrong one at first. But NFT got me to set in a cinch. Thank you NFT.
I hope it's a short day only for the reason of solving my little situation as I really don't feel like sleeping on the patio tonight.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I Like Bill Clinton
Remember when we had an intellegent president? Every time I see news on Clinton, I reminesce. Remember when? I miss those days. Remember when you weren't embarrased to be an American?
The Thing About Beets
I know there are beet haters out there. But those of us who support beets and there goodness...isn't funny how there's always that one beet that clings to the bottum of the can. You tap and tap the can and it stubbornly falls out eventually. Oh, beets! I can't care what others say, I love you!
Don't Be a Dummy
I had stuff to write about, but I think I may have avoided writing long enough where the interest of writing about them has gone. At any rate, I will try if for nothing else than to get it on record.
I worked on one of my favorite sets the other day. As I was handed my waiver, the PA informed me that I would be standing-in. Not unusual at all. I had very little sleep and the person for which I was standing-in was lying on a hospital gurney. So that meant I was lying down for about an hours, the other stand-in standing next to me, yawning, me yawning in return, her yawning and looking to me, me fighting the yawn, squinting and shaking my head (why does she think this is funny?) damn it! I yawn again.
Later on, I was brought into a scene as background, an orderly. However what was usual about this is what they had me do. The scene was in a hospital room with attached observation room. The camera was in the observation room looking into the hospital room. I was in the hospital room standing next a digital camera that I was supposed to operate (follow the two leads as they enter and frame up the camera on the bed.) The weird thing is that the actual film camera was angled on a monitor showing my shot. So what I was filming was actually being used and will be seen in the show. Very neat. Plus the camera was right on my and I was the only one in the room, so I should be pretty visible. Umm... ok, it was 3lbs, a new TV show. It was a 14.3 hour day, not counting lunch break. I slept about 4 hours then...
I woke up for the next day of work. It was HUGE scene for the movie American Gangster, hundreds and hundreds or extras. It was shot in Long Island, so it took quite some time ot there. The scene was shot in an arena and to help fill the thousands of seats, productions filled seats with dummies. When I first entered the arena and sat down, it was dark, foggy and all I could see were extras standing in front of their seats, not moving, not talking, just being downright creepy. Then when I realized that these extras were in fact dummies. Hundreds of dummies, inflatable, threatening, unnerving. I wasn't really in any of the shots of the day, just bordering the scene, (as an usher), I made nice with the dummies.....
(There are supposed to be pics here, but having tech. difficulties.)
I was lucky enough to have good company for cigarette breaks and the like. I nearly went 16 hours, you know GOLDEN TIME, but was 12 minutes shy. 12 fucking minutes. That's just not right.
I worked on one of my favorite sets the other day. As I was handed my waiver, the PA informed me that I would be standing-in. Not unusual at all. I had very little sleep and the person for which I was standing-in was lying on a hospital gurney. So that meant I was lying down for about an hours, the other stand-in standing next to me, yawning, me yawning in return, her yawning and looking to me, me fighting the yawn, squinting and shaking my head (why does she think this is funny?) damn it! I yawn again.
Later on, I was brought into a scene as background, an orderly. However what was usual about this is what they had me do. The scene was in a hospital room with attached observation room. The camera was in the observation room looking into the hospital room. I was in the hospital room standing next a digital camera that I was supposed to operate (follow the two leads as they enter and frame up the camera on the bed.) The weird thing is that the actual film camera was angled on a monitor showing my shot. So what I was filming was actually being used and will be seen in the show. Very neat. Plus the camera was right on my and I was the only one in the room, so I should be pretty visible. Umm... ok, it was 3lbs, a new TV show. It was a 14.3 hour day, not counting lunch break. I slept about 4 hours then...
I woke up for the next day of work. It was HUGE scene for the movie American Gangster, hundreds and hundreds or extras. It was shot in Long Island, so it took quite some time ot there. The scene was shot in an arena and to help fill the thousands of seats, productions filled seats with dummies. When I first entered the arena and sat down, it was dark, foggy and all I could see were extras standing in front of their seats, not moving, not talking, just being downright creepy. Then when I realized that these extras were in fact dummies. Hundreds of dummies, inflatable, threatening, unnerving. I wasn't really in any of the shots of the day, just bordering the scene, (as an usher), I made nice with the dummies.....
(There are supposed to be pics here, but having tech. difficulties.)
I was lucky enough to have good company for cigarette breaks and the like. I nearly went 16 hours, you know GOLDEN TIME, but was 12 minutes shy. 12 fucking minutes. That's just not right.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Tired as Fuck
What a week! I'd love to share, but I need to get some long awaited sleep. Till tomorrow my little minions.
Monday, September 18, 2006
A Sign of the End
Pop Sharks (http://ask-ramblebot.blogspot.com/): Fact or fiction?
Readers of Dead Land know what a pop shark is by now. (A a post-apocalyptical land-dwelling shark that scurries along the ground on its fins and attacks people at random.) Kalju was the mastermind behind this one.
Well guess what scientists just found? Go ahead, click and find out.
Brace yourselves people. The End is beginning.
Readers of Dead Land know what a pop shark is by now. (A a post-apocalyptical land-dwelling shark that scurries along the ground on its fins and attacks people at random.) Kalju was the mastermind behind this one.
Well guess what scientists just found? Go ahead, click and find out.
Brace yourselves people. The End is beginning.
ShE's Coming

That isn't the official movie poster, just a low res crap quality one. I hear the new one is more spiffy. But this is the official premier info for ShE.
Date: Nov. 4th
Start time: 3:00 p.m.
The Hyde Museum
161 Warren St.
Glens Falls, NY 12801
My associates decided to give people ample time and notice to ensure attendance. I realize this is way up(state) there, and hopefully there will be showings closer to the city or actually in the city. But the premier is what all the cool people go to. So carpool, hitch hike, parasail, whatever. It's gonna be a blast.... New stills and the official poster will follow shortly, the website is going to be completely revamped. The guys are working on a bunch of stuff at the moment. So when I know, I'll let everyone else know.
P.S. It's also a museum so there are some nice pieces to check out, you know before you watch a nice disturbing flik.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Tailgating Etiquette
Put simply....What's mine is yours.
That was quite possibly the easiest money I've ever made. If I told you I spent the weekend on a beach working for a volleyball tournament, you'd assume it was fun. Right? And we figured out that's not the case. But if I told you I spent the day, walking around a parking lot trying to get football fan tailgators to buy Jets ringtones, you assume it wasn't fun. But again! Not so! This is pretty much what went down.
Jets Stadium parking lot, pre-game,3 guys, 3 girls, teams of 2, boy-girl. It's a smart plan, one because, there are a lot of guys in the parking lot, so it good to have a guy around for protection and then there are a lot of guys in the parking lot, so it's good to have a girl around, so they're a little more receptive.
So this girl and I ask a few groups and then we get to this group of three middle aged guys. They weren't very interested in our offer, but they invited us to sit down, grab a beer and try some ribs. Of course we did. And then we tried the sirloin steaks, and then we tried the lobster tail, all cooked on their grill. I can honestly fucking say, the food was AMAZING!!!! About 5 bottles and a few hours later, we reported back to the rendezvous. We had to get video taped doing our little thing (selling product, not eating free food and drinking free booze.) After about an hour of being video taped, the day was done. It was a beautiful sunny day, I got a little too much sun again. Finish off my tan before the winter I guess.
Yes, my head still feels like it's in a vice.
Game play last night consisted of Burn Out: Revenge and two other games I can't remember the titles to. Sorry L. I tried.
Anger: I got a call for work tomorrow. Let the voicemail take it while I scrambled for a pen and pad. I called right back and he had already found someone else. It was stand-in for a cool movie too. Grrr..
That was quite possibly the easiest money I've ever made. If I told you I spent the weekend on a beach working for a volleyball tournament, you'd assume it was fun. Right? And we figured out that's not the case. But if I told you I spent the day, walking around a parking lot trying to get football fan tailgators to buy Jets ringtones, you assume it wasn't fun. But again! Not so! This is pretty much what went down.
Jets Stadium parking lot, pre-game,3 guys, 3 girls, teams of 2, boy-girl. It's a smart plan, one because, there are a lot of guys in the parking lot, so it good to have a guy around for protection and then there are a lot of guys in the parking lot, so it's good to have a girl around, so they're a little more receptive.
So this girl and I ask a few groups and then we get to this group of three middle aged guys. They weren't very interested in our offer, but they invited us to sit down, grab a beer and try some ribs. Of course we did. And then we tried the sirloin steaks, and then we tried the lobster tail, all cooked on their grill. I can honestly fucking say, the food was AMAZING!!!! About 5 bottles and a few hours later, we reported back to the rendezvous. We had to get video taped doing our little thing (selling product, not eating free food and drinking free booze.) After about an hour of being video taped, the day was done. It was a beautiful sunny day, I got a little too much sun again. Finish off my tan before the winter I guess.
Yes, my head still feels like it's in a vice.
Game play last night consisted of Burn Out: Revenge and two other games I can't remember the titles to. Sorry L. I tried.
Anger: I got a call for work tomorrow. Let the voicemail take it while I scrambled for a pen and pad. I called right back and he had already found someone else. It was stand-in for a cool movie too. Grrr..
Tetris Champion
Level 33! Not sure if that qualifies me as a respectable Tetris competitor or not, but it should. Was terrorized by a mind splitting headache all night.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Interview with Cult Hit Rapper Brekken Brek
I was able to meet up the DCUP Rapper/producer Brekken Brek at his recording studio in Astoria, NY today. Brek took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions fans have been dying to know.
RC: Thanks for letting me into the studio, it's really quite impressive.
BB: Nothing but the best for Brek yo! Nothing but top quality, grade A, high end, cutting edge tech for the Brek, dog!
RC: First for the purpose of quelling rumor, is it true that DCUP has dissolved?
BB: Yo, that rumor's all whack. We just keeps it loose.
RC: What are the other members up to?
BB: Last I heard Black Olive got teleported to the future. Ariel Starbody, hell who knows with that bitch, hugging a toilet, messing up a bike cop, partying in a fucking cave in Pakistan, she's a fucking loose canon.
RC: So when I was last here you were working on a new song. Any progress with that?
BB: I got my vocals down, it's just about getting everyone together you know. Finding the right people, getting the right time.
RC: The music you've released under DCUP has had various sounds. Is it your intention to produce a diverse range of material or does it just come naturally?
BB: I just keep it fresh yo, keep it real. I like to keep my music fresh, I like to keep my vocals hot. Hot like ice, yo.
RC: Who's Brekken 360?
BB: Brekken 360's my transformation, bitch. Dig it.
RC: I'm a musician myself. I know you like to collaborate with different musicians for different sounds. Would you ever consider working with me on a song some time?
BB: Sorry dog, I don't do charity. No room for amateurs in the big ring.
Brek was nice enough to show us a work in progress. Note: 30 or so seconds pass before vocals come up. The photo was taken at Final Dayz studios courtesy of Brekken Brek.
RC: Thanks for letting me into the studio, it's really quite impressive.
BB: Nothing but the best for Brek yo! Nothing but top quality, grade A, high end, cutting edge tech for the Brek, dog!
RC: First for the purpose of quelling rumor, is it true that DCUP has dissolved?
BB: Yo, that rumor's all whack. We just keeps it loose.
RC: What are the other members up to?
BB: Last I heard Black Olive got teleported to the future. Ariel Starbody, hell who knows with that bitch, hugging a toilet, messing up a bike cop, partying in a fucking cave in Pakistan, she's a fucking loose canon.
RC: So when I was last here you were working on a new song. Any progress with that?
BB: I got my vocals down, it's just about getting everyone together you know. Finding the right people, getting the right time.
RC: The music you've released under DCUP has had various sounds. Is it your intention to produce a diverse range of material or does it just come naturally?
BB: I just keep it fresh yo, keep it real. I like to keep my music fresh, I like to keep my vocals hot. Hot like ice, yo.
RC: Who's Brekken 360?
BB: Brekken 360's my transformation, bitch. Dig it.
RC: I'm a musician myself. I know you like to collaborate with different musicians for different sounds. Would you ever consider working with me on a song some time?
BB: Sorry dog, I don't do charity. No room for amateurs in the big ring.
Brek was nice enough to show us a work in progress. Note: 30 or so seconds pass before vocals come up. The photo was taken at Final Dayz studios courtesy of Brekken Brek.
Morning Klutz
This morning is fraught will drops, trips and mistakes. I really don't know what brought this on. I didn't ask for it for sure. Possibily the worst time was when I knocked into my TV table thingy and the OJ spilled over onto my potatoes and toast, I mean alot of OJ! Anyway, I hope it's over. I've tried to move around to prevent more occurences.
I Know I Heard Something
There really wasn't much going on at work today, because I was only there was about 4 and half hours. The scene was really freaking funny though. I was working on Knight of Prosperity. Usually I don't name what I'm working on, since anonymity is just safer. But I mention the show to confirm that this is indeed a funny show and you should watch it.
As I was waiting on set with the other extras, there was this older woman standing next to me who kept mumbling to herself. And every time I looked over to catch her, she stopped. Eventually it just got either too annoying/creepy and I moved to another spot.
That's about it for my day, bought one of the skillet dinners, cuz I didnt feel like cooking. Sunday I am working this promo gig for Sprint at the Jet's Stadium in the Meadowlands with a friend. Monday unfortunately I have no work set up. Maybe I will use this time to figure out a new approach to getting my scripts out there....yeah.
As I was waiting on set with the other extras, there was this older woman standing next to me who kept mumbling to herself. And every time I looked over to catch her, she stopped. Eventually it just got either too annoying/creepy and I moved to another spot.
That's about it for my day, bought one of the skillet dinners, cuz I didnt feel like cooking. Sunday I am working this promo gig for Sprint at the Jet's Stadium in the Meadowlands with a friend. Monday unfortunately I have no work set up. Maybe I will use this time to figure out a new approach to getting my scripts out there....yeah.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Dead Land
I've done gone and posted a new chapter in Dead Land for any interested. This is by far my longest entry yet and again, I think it may be one of my favorites as it introduces a couple of characters that needed introducing.
I'm not sure if I should give away who the piano player is, as not even everyone who reads it will know, but I think I'll leave it like that. I'll just say that the character is very much based on a real person (even down to using some actual quotes as dialgoue) Hee Hee!
I'm not sure if I should give away who the piano player is, as not even everyone who reads it will know, but I think I'll leave it like that. I'll just say that the character is very much based on a real person (even down to using some actual quotes as dialgoue) Hee Hee!
Postal Zombies
I am currently sitting in holding, wishing I had brought my laptop. I can never guess right with that thing. I did bring my book, so I may be forced myself back into it. Astoria is really the place to live, there are SO many studios in my back yard. Today I'm at Silvercup, haven't been here in a while. Its kind of like that feeling I get when I visit home and my parents' houses are familiar but a little strange at the same time. Dress is downscale today which is GREAT because I'm wearing my over-worn-in jeans and a comfy jacket.
Since I felt like crap yesterday and slept until nearly 1pm, and spent the rest of my time awake writing, I neglected a much needed visit to the post office. So in order not to be completely frustrated with myself I stopped by the USPS today before work. Is it just me or do postal workers resemble zombies? I don't mean the brain eating kind, I mean the voodoo kind that are more sluggish and mentally slow than anything else. It took me about 20 mins to get 30 postcard stamps. As the clock inched towards danger I really came close to violent screams but I kept it in and still managed to get to set on time. And now here I am....waiting. Ha, time to hit up crafty!
Since I felt like crap yesterday and slept until nearly 1pm, and spent the rest of my time awake writing, I neglected a much needed visit to the post office. So in order not to be completely frustrated with myself I stopped by the USPS today before work. Is it just me or do postal workers resemble zombies? I don't mean the brain eating kind, I mean the voodoo kind that are more sluggish and mentally slow than anything else. It took me about 20 mins to get 30 postcard stamps. As the clock inched towards danger I really came close to violent screams but I kept it in and still managed to get to set on time. And now here I am....waiting. Ha, time to hit up crafty!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The production was filmed last summer in Upstate New York, approx. 5 nights of late night/early morning shoots, little food or sleep, a couple of friends steering away drunks and junkies so that we could film, lots of laughs, lots of stress, an incredible, unforgettable experience that I treasure.
ShE is about a self-destructive woman who makes choices that set into motion unstoppable consequences. It stars Kat Murello, Geoffrey DeMarsh, and.... um me.
As this short film gets closer and closer to completion I will be reminding people of its existance and the how's, when's, and where's. Hopefully this will be very very soon.

ShE is about a self-destructive woman who makes choices that set into motion unstoppable consequences. It stars Kat Murello, Geoffrey DeMarsh, and.... um me.
As this short film gets closer and closer to completion I will be reminding people of its existance and the how's, when's, and where's. Hopefully this will be very very soon.

The One in the Same Theory
I had a theory going for about 30 minutes that Vince Vaughn and Vincent D'Onofrio were in fact the same person. Just taking a unique approach to proving himself a veritable comedic and dramatic actor, perhaps an alter ego (Vaughn) that was never supposed to become such a popular actor and now he's stuck in a dual life. I was quite committed to this theory and I was going to propose you all out there to provide me with evidence that I am wrong.... But I found it myself. They appeared in the same movie, in the same scene in The Break Up.

What They Don't Teach You in Spy School
It hurts to sleep with your eyes open! Well this is all I can reason out of what happened to me last night/this morning. I woke up around 3:40 am and my eyes were burning. It felt like I had kept my eyes open in sleep and brushes pillow and blanket against them. Sure enough when I looked in the mirror, the eyes were 90% red veins. ....and that's my story!
I really don't know how anyone can complain about the job I do. Today I made about 150 bucks for 3 hours of work. And the work- talking to a friend for a bit, standing in a window sill looking out onto the Statue of Liberty, eating a wrap and drinking a bottled water, filling out a voucher and going home. I ended up standing in rather than being a protestor, so I did no shouts, but the protest was very contained and in a room, so I didn't miss out on much fun, not did I really do much standing in. I feel fortunate though that more times than not when I arrive on set, I am made a stand-in. More money and more fun.
Came back home and watched The Wedding Crashers. I wasn't that impressed unfortunately. The story structure seemed like a recycled 90's romantic comedy. I watched Red Eye last night. The was an OK movie as well. Both would have been fine rentals, but now they're in my collection. It's alright though, I have worse movies than that.
Since I have tomorrow off, I am definately going to be doing some writing. Friday is booked already. YAY!!
Somehow I persuaded myself into a work-out tonight. Probably cuz I know if I don't do it when I have the opportunity, the routine will be broken and all hope lost. And that's all for today, gonna aim to write some before I get sleepy.
I really don't know how anyone can complain about the job I do. Today I made about 150 bucks for 3 hours of work. And the work- talking to a friend for a bit, standing in a window sill looking out onto the Statue of Liberty, eating a wrap and drinking a bottled water, filling out a voucher and going home. I ended up standing in rather than being a protestor, so I did no shouts, but the protest was very contained and in a room, so I didn't miss out on much fun, not did I really do much standing in. I feel fortunate though that more times than not when I arrive on set, I am made a stand-in. More money and more fun.
Came back home and watched The Wedding Crashers. I wasn't that impressed unfortunately. The story structure seemed like a recycled 90's romantic comedy. I watched Red Eye last night. The was an OK movie as well. Both would have been fine rentals, but now they're in my collection. It's alright though, I have worse movies than that.
Since I have tomorrow off, I am definately going to be doing some writing. Friday is booked already. YAY!!
Somehow I persuaded myself into a work-out tonight. Probably cuz I know if I don't do it when I have the opportunity, the routine will be broken and all hope lost. And that's all for today, gonna aim to write some before I get sleepy.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Protestor for Hire
Did I mention that I will be playing a protestor tomorrow? I hope they let me scream stuff like, "fuck Bush!" and "No more war!"
The Seven Kings: The Animated Series

Wouldn't it be grand!! Seriously. I can't even describe how much of a need it is for me to see this idea incarnated in some form. Dead Land is also becoming another idea that I am becoming more and more passionate about, in terms of getting it produced into something. If my career achievements were limited to accomplishing just those two goals, I would seriously fucking die completely content with what I had set out to do. You don't even know!
Pow....Right in the Kisser
A wise person once told me something about blogging-"It's not a chore. Don't do it, if you don't want to." So sorry that I've been a little negligent with my WENO page, but I just haven't felt like it lately. It's probably something to do with my output levels lately. Between my normal music, rap songs, scripts, deadlandings, and illustrations I'm spent by the time the end of the night comes.
What have I been up to? Well that's another reason. Not much for the past few days. Just that list up there and daily chores, routines, eatings and work-outs.
Today was a good day, a fair amount of going back and forth between Queens and the city. I had lunch at one of my most favorites places in all of NYC, The Igloo. I know some of you are licking your chops at the very mention of this name. Paninis to fucking kill for! Let's see there was also unprevoked flipping people off, breaking out into song on ocassion and 2 emergency bathroom visits, got made fun of for being a Tom Waits fan...by a Justin Timberlake fan. Yeah, Justin ever write a lyric like, "all donuts have names that sound like prostitutes" ? NO!
I had an audition today for a short film. It went .....ehhhh. This is how it went down- I walk in, starting out all suave and the like, fill out the papers and get lead into the audition room. Up to this point I'm not really nervous at all. There are about 5 people in this room. Still not a big deal, say hi to them all, put my bag down and sit in this chair in front of the camera. Well, my phone goes off. "How's embarassing," says I. "Well, at least I'm not using that cheasy 80's porn music ringer anymore." They laugh a little and turn the camera on. Suddenly I realize I still have gum in my mouth. They notice this and stop the camera, so I can remove it. Now I can't get up from this chair, through all the dialogue I have to sit there. And THIS suddenly gets my nervous. No this isn't an uncommon thing. I just don't see why producers, writers, directors want to see someone sitting in a chair, doing lines. It's like telling a writer not to use words longer than three letters long in a book. It's restricting and it's unnatural and well, it's just fucking stupid.... in my opinion. I think that I may have overcompensated because of the chair and read the lines a little too dramatically than comedically. Though for the last line I had to say, "I oughta..." and then I point a gun at a man. End scene. I decided I'd instead point the gun, say "pow," wait a beat, then say "right in the kisser." No idea why. They laughed at that, but honestly I doubt I will be getting a call back. And it's fine. The experience was worth it. In fact I think I am going to start submitting to student films, if for nothing else than to go to more auditions.
On the way home, I was still speaking the lines, kind of going over how I should have said them instead. It's just how I am. I wanted to go back up there and say, let me try this again, and do a completely different approach. But come on! Why? I just like pushing myself like that though. Working on something until I have it done.
ANYWAY! I noticed I had a message, so I went to my voicemail and it was my older neice. The second time I've ever had a message from her. She was doing some kind of weird voice (yes unfortunately I've influenced them in their upbringing) and asking what language arts was for her homework. She's 9 now. It's amazing. It could almost make one feel old.
I completely splurged in two areas today. First I went to blockbuster, to that pre-viewed section, where videos are affordable to buy, you know. And I bought 3 movies. "The Aviator" which I've seen before and love. "Red Eye" never seen it but the previews looked good, and Cillian Murphy seems like an interesting actor. "Wedding Crashers" still havent seen it, but only so many people can tell you how funny something is, before you must see for yourself. And then!! I bought eggs, bacon, potatoes, and bread for breakfast tomorrow. Mmmm mmmm! I'm working, so hopefully my call time isn't too early. But I'm working with a friend! Work's been good like that lately.
Pow!!! Right in the kisser!!!
What have I been up to? Well that's another reason. Not much for the past few days. Just that list up there and daily chores, routines, eatings and work-outs.
Today was a good day, a fair amount of going back and forth between Queens and the city. I had lunch at one of my most favorites places in all of NYC, The Igloo. I know some of you are licking your chops at the very mention of this name. Paninis to fucking kill for! Let's see there was also unprevoked flipping people off, breaking out into song on ocassion and 2 emergency bathroom visits, got made fun of for being a Tom Waits fan...by a Justin Timberlake fan. Yeah, Justin ever write a lyric like, "all donuts have names that sound like prostitutes" ? NO!
I had an audition today for a short film. It went .....ehhhh. This is how it went down- I walk in, starting out all suave and the like, fill out the papers and get lead into the audition room. Up to this point I'm not really nervous at all. There are about 5 people in this room. Still not a big deal, say hi to them all, put my bag down and sit in this chair in front of the camera. Well, my phone goes off. "How's embarassing," says I. "Well, at least I'm not using that cheasy 80's porn music ringer anymore." They laugh a little and turn the camera on. Suddenly I realize I still have gum in my mouth. They notice this and stop the camera, so I can remove it. Now I can't get up from this chair, through all the dialogue I have to sit there. And THIS suddenly gets my nervous. No this isn't an uncommon thing. I just don't see why producers, writers, directors want to see someone sitting in a chair, doing lines. It's like telling a writer not to use words longer than three letters long in a book. It's restricting and it's unnatural and well, it's just fucking stupid.... in my opinion. I think that I may have overcompensated because of the chair and read the lines a little too dramatically than comedically. Though for the last line I had to say, "I oughta..." and then I point a gun at a man. End scene. I decided I'd instead point the gun, say "pow," wait a beat, then say "right in the kisser." No idea why. They laughed at that, but honestly I doubt I will be getting a call back. And it's fine. The experience was worth it. In fact I think I am going to start submitting to student films, if for nothing else than to go to more auditions.
On the way home, I was still speaking the lines, kind of going over how I should have said them instead. It's just how I am. I wanted to go back up there and say, let me try this again, and do a completely different approach. But come on! Why? I just like pushing myself like that though. Working on something until I have it done.
ANYWAY! I noticed I had a message, so I went to my voicemail and it was my older neice. The second time I've ever had a message from her. She was doing some kind of weird voice (yes unfortunately I've influenced them in their upbringing) and asking what language arts was for her homework. She's 9 now. It's amazing. It could almost make one feel old.
I completely splurged in two areas today. First I went to blockbuster, to that pre-viewed section, where videos are affordable to buy, you know. And I bought 3 movies. "The Aviator" which I've seen before and love. "Red Eye" never seen it but the previews looked good, and Cillian Murphy seems like an interesting actor. "Wedding Crashers" still havent seen it, but only so many people can tell you how funny something is, before you must see for yourself. And then!! I bought eggs, bacon, potatoes, and bread for breakfast tomorrow. Mmmm mmmm! I'm working, so hopefully my call time isn't too early. But I'm working with a friend! Work's been good like that lately.
Pow!!! Right in the kisser!!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Smoking in the Classroom: The Adventures of Mr. Tight Pants
What an incredibly boring day it was. I hate church basements and so does my phone. Truth be told, T-Moble sucks ass. I hate it when people around me are chatting on their phones without a care in the world, and I've got zilch for reception. But church basements suck too. I waited in holding for about 7 hours... I read the paper, went back and forth to Crafty, started reading Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (which at this point, is a drawn-out agonizing torture, I have really started to hate descrition that does nothing for the story, still I am hoping the book becomes more readable soon.) I startedworking on my friend and my script for this short as well, using my phone as a word processor. That was most of my day right there. Booya! Such thrills!
The movie is set in the 70's, so I was outfitted in period garb. The pants were... how can I put it gently, crotch huggers, they hugged everything actually. It seems everytime I get fitted for period costumes, I get the tightest pants in stock. Not very comfortable and when lunch came I took them off and put my jeans back on. Lunch took me to Popeye's for a chicken sandwich, unfortunately it wasn't until I starting walking a few blocks that I realized wardrobe's sneakers were way to tight on me. The walk back to holding was heavily persuaded by the avoidance of pain. Finally around 7:30pm they brought us to set. It was a classroom scene and I was a law student. It was a short scene, in and out after the painstaking setup was complete. They asked if anyone was willing to smoke. Ummm, yeah, right here! You may not know this, but us SAG actors get paid extra when we smoke, as do they people around us who have to breath it in. There was a guy next to me, who kept coughing from my smoke. I felt like saying, come on, be a man, I just got you a few more bucks! It's actually pretty damn weird smoking in a class enviroment. A text book open on my lap, a note pad on top of that as I jot notes and puff away.
I booked out a little too fast and accidentally forgot my wallet in wardrobe's pants, so I had to run back and hunt it down. And that folks! that was my day!
The movie is set in the 70's, so I was outfitted in period garb. The pants were... how can I put it gently, crotch huggers, they hugged everything actually. It seems everytime I get fitted for period costumes, I get the tightest pants in stock. Not very comfortable and when lunch came I took them off and put my jeans back on. Lunch took me to Popeye's for a chicken sandwich, unfortunately it wasn't until I starting walking a few blocks that I realized wardrobe's sneakers were way to tight on me. The walk back to holding was heavily persuaded by the avoidance of pain. Finally around 7:30pm they brought us to set. It was a classroom scene and I was a law student. It was a short scene, in and out after the painstaking setup was complete. They asked if anyone was willing to smoke. Ummm, yeah, right here! You may not know this, but us SAG actors get paid extra when we smoke, as do they people around us who have to breath it in. There was a guy next to me, who kept coughing from my smoke. I felt like saying, come on, be a man, I just got you a few more bucks! It's actually pretty damn weird smoking in a class enviroment. A text book open on my lap, a note pad on top of that as I jot notes and puff away.
I booked out a little too fast and accidentally forgot my wallet in wardrobe's pants, so I had to run back and hunt it down. And that folks! that was my day!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
70% Less Creepy
Oops.. sorry about that.
Today was a whirlwind of events. First off to a fitting for the movie American Gangster, then to the bank, then to Duane Reed. No I am not a fan of Duane Reed, but they ARE on every street corner. Then all the way across town to meet up with a friend and go to SAG to look into a SAG contract for an indie film and collect this month production list. Then food, Cosi I love you! Then to Barnes and Noble for some research. Bunches and Bunches of juggling around my schedule for work. Yes juggling! I was definately not doing that a month ago! Then to Staples to send out forms to get paid for that terrible terrible weekend on Coney Island. Then home to do my laundry as I may not get another chance soon enough. It's nice just to be sitting down sipping on vino and chillin.
Oh! the title! What was once the Creepy Bar, is now called the Sparrow. How does a place change overnight? Well, it did, with a name and a new paint job, making it, you guessed it, 70% less creepy all around. I'm waiting for the right moment to revisit my bar. Why is it hot in apartment tonight?
Today was a whirlwind of events. First off to a fitting for the movie American Gangster, then to the bank, then to Duane Reed. No I am not a fan of Duane Reed, but they ARE on every street corner. Then all the way across town to meet up with a friend and go to SAG to look into a SAG contract for an indie film and collect this month production list. Then food, Cosi I love you! Then to Barnes and Noble for some research. Bunches and Bunches of juggling around my schedule for work. Yes juggling! I was definately not doing that a month ago! Then to Staples to send out forms to get paid for that terrible terrible weekend on Coney Island. Then home to do my laundry as I may not get another chance soon enough. It's nice just to be sitting down sipping on vino and chillin.
Oh! the title! What was once the Creepy Bar, is now called the Sparrow. How does a place change overnight? Well, it did, with a name and a new paint job, making it, you guessed it, 70% less creepy all around. I'm waiting for the right moment to revisit my bar. Why is it hot in apartment tonight?
Monday, September 04, 2006
Fall's Line-Up
Here they are, Fall's TV line up....please try to watch these shows as they keep my fellow actor friends and me from starving and the like.
The Knights of Prosperity: Premieres Oct. 17, 9pm, ABC
A night janitor and his band of cronies plan to rob Mick Jagger's swank penthouse. (I know doesn't sound like much, but word is that this is some of the best writing on TV seen in a while.)
Ugly Betty: Premieres Sep. 28, 8pm, ABC
A fashion misfit lands her dream job working as an assistant to the editor of a magazine. (I know, sounds like a recent movie, but the lead actress is getting hype. I worked on it a bit, it seemed funny enough.)
30 Rock: Premieres Oct.30, 8:30 pm, NBC
Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan. Need I say more???
Six Degrees: Premieres Sept. 21, 10pm, ABC
The lives of 6 NY'ers cross paths and affect each other in ways that don't involve Kevin Bacon. It's a great concept.
Kidnapped: Premieres Sept. 20, 10pm, NBC
The title pretty much says it. One kidnapping case plays out through an entire season, which is an interesting approach. FBI and a rogue agent are at odds to find the kidnapped victim. I'm sure you've seen the previews. Looks good huh?
And of course all the Law and Orders, you can catch on NBC.
If I think of any more, I will post. I feel like there are more, I just don't feel like thinking at the moment. Peace out.
The Knights of Prosperity: Premieres Oct. 17, 9pm, ABC
A night janitor and his band of cronies plan to rob Mick Jagger's swank penthouse. (I know doesn't sound like much, but word is that this is some of the best writing on TV seen in a while.)
Ugly Betty: Premieres Sep. 28, 8pm, ABC
A fashion misfit lands her dream job working as an assistant to the editor of a magazine. (I know, sounds like a recent movie, but the lead actress is getting hype. I worked on it a bit, it seemed funny enough.)
30 Rock: Premieres Oct.30, 8:30 pm, NBC
Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan. Need I say more???
Six Degrees: Premieres Sept. 21, 10pm, ABC
The lives of 6 NY'ers cross paths and affect each other in ways that don't involve Kevin Bacon. It's a great concept.
Kidnapped: Premieres Sept. 20, 10pm, NBC
The title pretty much says it. One kidnapping case plays out through an entire season, which is an interesting approach. FBI and a rogue agent are at odds to find the kidnapped victim. I'm sure you've seen the previews. Looks good huh?
And of course all the Law and Orders, you can catch on NBC.
If I think of any more, I will post. I feel like there are more, I just don't feel like thinking at the moment. Peace out.
Some Say His Heart Was In The Right Place, Some Say The Wrong
Steve Irwin has died. Though most poisonous stingrays are not deadly, this stingray happened to pierc Irwin through the heart with his barbed tail and the curtain fell. OK, the heart joke aside. This is pretty sad. There is no doubt he was an environmentalist and advocate for wildlife preservation. His zoo was home to the 100+ year old tortoise that died a couple of months ago. I mean yes, you can't constantly tease the dangers of wild animals and think you're gonna last too long. (which is why I am surprised no notice from cash4cadavers) But still it's sad.
Finally went grocery shopping. There is food in the fridge now. Now I just have to get my stomach back to its original size, so I can fit more than three peanuts in there. heh. That was about as productive as I was yesterday. I meant to work out, but ran out of time. I met up with a friend. He's still stuck in the Gap machine, so I met him at the store in Rockerfeller Center. There was a huge event going on that I more or less wandered into. Some kind of Brazilian celebration. Concert, booths of food and clothes. Suddenly the Brazilian singer on stage started singing Guns'n'Roses' Sweet Child of Mine. Umm...Ok. Wasn't expecting that.
Now this guy is Puerto Rican and very political. Those two attributes I use to define him. He is fascinated in Caucasian culture, so when we hang out I somewhat feel a lab rat. We were in a food joint eating and talking politics (well I mostly just listened and learned) when I suddenly recognized Peter Gabriel on the radio. It was a remix of his song, Women's Day. It was hard not to give the song my full concentration anway, but impossible when Shaggy jumped in and started singing on the song. WTF! Peter Gabriel and Shaggy? Why? It wasn't terrible, but come on Shaggy!
Anyway this friend has a somewhat stereotyped idea of what Caucasians do, which is book stores, quirky movies, music stores...ok maybe it's got some basis. We went to Barnes and Noble and I pointed out of the white books he needed to buy and he left with 9 books. I bought only one, though I should go back because the prices were really cheap. The guy's ridiculous but hilarious. That was about it for the night, I had been tired all day so I just went home, watched TV for a bit and passed out.
Finally went grocery shopping. There is food in the fridge now. Now I just have to get my stomach back to its original size, so I can fit more than three peanuts in there. heh. That was about as productive as I was yesterday. I meant to work out, but ran out of time. I met up with a friend. He's still stuck in the Gap machine, so I met him at the store in Rockerfeller Center. There was a huge event going on that I more or less wandered into. Some kind of Brazilian celebration. Concert, booths of food and clothes. Suddenly the Brazilian singer on stage started singing Guns'n'Roses' Sweet Child of Mine. Umm...Ok. Wasn't expecting that.
Now this guy is Puerto Rican and very political. Those two attributes I use to define him. He is fascinated in Caucasian culture, so when we hang out I somewhat feel a lab rat. We were in a food joint eating and talking politics (well I mostly just listened and learned) when I suddenly recognized Peter Gabriel on the radio. It was a remix of his song, Women's Day. It was hard not to give the song my full concentration anway, but impossible when Shaggy jumped in and started singing on the song. WTF! Peter Gabriel and Shaggy? Why? It wasn't terrible, but come on Shaggy!
Anyway this friend has a somewhat stereotyped idea of what Caucasians do, which is book stores, quirky movies, music stores...ok maybe it's got some basis. We went to Barnes and Noble and I pointed out of the white books he needed to buy and he left with 9 books. I bought only one, though I should go back because the prices were really cheap. The guy's ridiculous but hilarious. That was about it for the night, I had been tired all day so I just went home, watched TV for a bit and passed out.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Since I had to pretend to have fun outside in the pouring rain for a couple of hours late last night. I avoided going outside all day today, though I came really close a couple of times, out of a desperate need of food or cigarette. I've had a headache all day, ugh. I hear tomorrow will be nicer. I hope so, I got stuff to do. My jaw has also hurt all day, I suspect I was grinding in my sleep last night...weird, havent done that in a while
BTW: DCUP fans, my boy Brekken Brek's got some new shit he's working on, sent me a sample with some mad vocals to post if I wanted. Check it out.
BTW: DCUP fans, my boy Brekken Brek's got some new shit he's working on, sent me a sample with some mad vocals to post if I wanted. Check it out.
Zombie Thongs
Forgot to mention: Last week or so I submitted to be a background zombie for the new film, I Am Legend. The other day I received an open call notice, saying to come in and such. Now I'm not stupid, I know it's long hours of makeup application, and long days IN uncomfortable makeup, but I thought it'd be an experience and come on...a zombie! Plus there's zombie boot camp, which sounds like inherent fun. I continued to read the notice and then stopped. "men must be willing to wear thong underwear." Umm...heh...no thanks. Women too of course, as well as pasties. Sorry dudes, I don't do thongs.
The Ladder to Nowhere
Seems like it should be a Shel Silverstein title, no? Those of you that were familiar with my apartment on Steinway Street might remember and may have even possbility seen this ladder to nowhere. To others is it only a myth. But today I saw another one. On my way back in from the city.... a ladder to nowhere.
Tonight! UGH! Rained on for about two hours. Soaked through and through. I tried to make it fun though. Let's see if I can make the flu fun, huh! Three days R and R!!!
Tonight! UGH! Rained on for about two hours. Soaked through and through. I tried to make it fun though. Let's see if I can make the flu fun, huh! Three days R and R!!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
"You Reek of Human"
What a fucking ride it's been lately. Yesterday was one of the best experiences I've had on set as a stand-in. Besides the crew being great, having chicken, potato and shrimp salad at crafty, and feeling quite comfortable on set, we got to rehearse reading the lines. Which is much better than just standing there while they stick a tape measure to your forehead.
I was bombarded with calls from casting agencies, asking me to work. Which is just fucking great. I had to strategize everything, so I'm not working on American Gangester today but on Criminal Intent. Because this morning I had to audition for a possible 8 week stand-in gig for Tim Roth!! (title quote) or some other guy. I should be hoping so much to get the gig, but this time I am. Which I am already considering what I will done with the money surplus... mostly concerning my car. Fixing it, putting it back on the road and using the damn thing until I get it sold. The idea of being able ot drive where ever the fuck I want definately has it's own, still I don't know if I want a car in the city. But on the other hand!!! having it the road will make it easier to sell, and if it's on the road, I may as well USE it.
I welcome the three day weekend, I need to catch up on alot of two. These last two weeks have been a solid busy, and I've needed to grocery shop for at least a week now. I'm losing weight like a mother fucker. I also plan on investing on a bag for my suit and some spray-on dewrinkler, cuz I can't hear another wardrobe person tell me I shouldn't bring my clothes in a backpack. I don't have an iron, I don't fucking want on, and if I did have have I would fucking care enough to iron my shit. But unfortunately the wardrobe people DO care.
I feel like I have project after project going on, and it's a good feeling. ShE is really close to being done. And then I need to run the gamut of film festivals and such with that. Dead Land of course, which I want to look into avenues of publication. I am helping one friend with an indy short he wants to do and another friend is asking for my help on his film project. I love the process of it all, I can't help it and in the last year I'm really enjoying collaborating with people.
Have a good Labor (or whatever the fuck holiday it is) Day weekend. I'm gonna crash tomorrow.
Looking through the paper I came across a listing of all the new shows about to air that are filming in New York. I'll post them later, not so you can look for me in them, but so you can watch them and keep me fucking working! :)
I was bombarded with calls from casting agencies, asking me to work. Which is just fucking great. I had to strategize everything, so I'm not working on American Gangester today but on Criminal Intent. Because this morning I had to audition for a possible 8 week stand-in gig for Tim Roth!! (title quote) or some other guy. I should be hoping so much to get the gig, but this time I am. Which I am already considering what I will done with the money surplus... mostly concerning my car. Fixing it, putting it back on the road and using the damn thing until I get it sold. The idea of being able ot drive where ever the fuck I want definately has it's own, still I don't know if I want a car in the city. But on the other hand!!! having it the road will make it easier to sell, and if it's on the road, I may as well USE it.
I welcome the three day weekend, I need to catch up on alot of two. These last two weeks have been a solid busy, and I've needed to grocery shop for at least a week now. I'm losing weight like a mother fucker. I also plan on investing on a bag for my suit and some spray-on dewrinkler, cuz I can't hear another wardrobe person tell me I shouldn't bring my clothes in a backpack. I don't have an iron, I don't fucking want on, and if I did have have I would fucking care enough to iron my shit. But unfortunately the wardrobe people DO care.
I feel like I have project after project going on, and it's a good feeling. ShE is really close to being done. And then I need to run the gamut of film festivals and such with that. Dead Land of course, which I want to look into avenues of publication. I am helping one friend with an indy short he wants to do and another friend is asking for my help on his film project. I love the process of it all, I can't help it and in the last year I'm really enjoying collaborating with people.
Have a good Labor (or whatever the fuck holiday it is) Day weekend. I'm gonna crash tomorrow.
Looking through the paper I came across a listing of all the new shows about to air that are filming in New York. I'll post them later, not so you can look for me in them, but so you can watch them and keep me fucking working! :)
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