Wednesday, May 02, 2007

All Things DCUP

It's been a busy day in some sense. I spent the day cleaning and painting and designing. I guess most of the day was spent working on this...

I had to paint all those fucking Japanese characters. I've never tried doing Japanese calligraphy before. Though I didn't find it terribly difficult (mind you I wasn't doing in correct form), the fact that I had to paint the characters onto a fabric made it a very slow and less than exact process. But between last night and today I finished the job. Why would I spend several hours painting the Japanese alphabet onto my partition? Well that's a good question. It's for the DCUP video, well for something relating to the video anyway. I'm trying to get everything together and/or done for the official start date (this Saturday). Fortunately (and unfortunately) I'm not getting ANY calls for work this week so I have plenty of time.

When I finished this project, I moved onto another, the official DCUP t-shirt. Much of the detail

is lost in this rendering, but you get the idea. You know, I really don't think DCUP knows how lucky they are to have such a dedicated fan as me. Well I know they don't. Brek seems to think I am his personal doormat, but it's all cool. I am happy to help out, cuz I consider it an honor. Anyway, that's life now. Not much else is going on. I caught up with Heroes yesterday. The show has me completely drawn in. So much goddamn suspense!!!

Ok, tomorrow I NEED to write, I need to fucking sit down and plow through this fucking impossible scene I'm stuck on and then I'll be ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me buyt I believe it is pronouced "Carrigraphy".

Just wanted to point out that typo.