Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spanking the Chicken

I went to Union Square today to take pics for the 2nd edition of "New York City: Through My Eyes" hosted by Louie the Cabbie, a little slide show/learning channel-esque thing I'm doing for my neices upstate, so that they can get an idea of what the city looks like, where I live, what I do, and just to let them know that I think about them. Its kind of uncomfortable doing this however, as I feel incredibly like a tourist carrying my camcorder around, taking snap shots of buildings and such. I'm really weird sometimes, as I can be incredibly obnoxious or outlandish in front of people and incredibly shy and reserved at other times. For this I'm a little too shy and I usually try to get a picture off quickly enough so that no one sees me doing so. Maybe by the third time, I'll be comfortable enough to take my time with it. Because I'd like to start taking some interesting shots as I can't help but have some intrigue about photography. I also got my rent money out of the bank and bought a pair of much better looking shoes. The shoes I'm not sure about yet, they might not be cushiony enough. They gotta be comfortable or my feet get all fucked up. I was also looking for a new pair of sunglasses, but I couldnt find any. I guess I'm really particular with shoes and sunglasses. But I do love Union Square. Anyway...

Recently I learned that is probably a good idea to wash chicken before you cook it. I'm not quite sold on the idea, but I've started doing it anyway. May I remind you, free-range chicken only for me. The reason I am not entirely sold on this practise is because you're simply rinsing it with hot water. Can that REALLY remove bacteria or whatnot, and wouldn't it just be killed when the chicken is cooked. The thing is I hate handling raw chicken. It's slimy! But what I've come to find is that after you rinse it, it's not so slimy, so...maybe there is something to it.

Besides a slight relapse of about 4 cigarettes yesterday I'm not doing so bad at quitting. Considering this is like the worst fucking time to try to quit, I am kind of using that as if I can quit now, I surely gots willpower. It's been a week (ignoring yesterday, just give me yesterday!)

And last but not least I checked out prices on Ipods and mp3 players today. I had an mp3 player last year and it just kind of stopped working on me, and I think it's getting near the time to invest in another. I gotta say I don't really understand why the Ipod is generally 50 bucks more expensive than a typical mp3 player. Is it the brand? The popularity? Cause I'm above that shit. Or is it actual quality? Well, I figure if I can continue not smoking, in two months I will have saved enough money to buy myself whatever I decide. Unless of course my phone goes on me. This is likely. Yesterday I leapt into a closing train, because like hell I was going to wait for the next one and my phone flew out of my jacket and hit the floor. It was non-responsive until I got home and then for some reason when I plugged it in, all the bells, whistles and lights started up. I suspect it will blow up in my pocket sometime soon and leave with hideously disfigured...more hideously disfigured. Oh the horror!!!

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