Thursday, April 05, 2007

They Call Themselves "House of Chicks"

A couple of my friends got word that I know Brekken 360 of DCUP and they were dying to record something with him. So a couple of unmentionable favors later and they were afforded a couple of sessions with the rap mastermind this week. Apparently they're nearly done with a track, I guess it's pending a new vocal track from rapper TMB. Perhaps I can get them to allow us a sneak peek before it's officially released. I heard it's called "Project X" and the band's name is "House of Chicks." And I understand that Brekken 360 is somewhat unleashed on it. So we'll see.

It's been a miserably slow week. No work. But there are some things I am looking forward to

Seeing family - I really have been needing that lately

Seeing friends - Kalju is on leave sometime soon and Dave, Clancy and I are all preparing to partake in various themes of madness.

Drive - A new series on Fox. At first I didn't care at all about it, then the music for the previews started catching my attention, then I found out Nathan Fillion of Firefly is a main character and a writer and producer from Firefly is also working on it. Suddenly my interest is SPARKED. It premiers April 15 I believe, a sunday.

I've decided that I really need to focus on my script, because I am really feeling optimistic about it. All I need to do is hone my attention into this week. Well I go upstate tomorrow for my niece's birthday party on Saturday, not sure when I'm coming back, probably Tuesday if I don't get a call from work.

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