Sunday, April 08, 2007

Where's Weirdo?

Over here, Saratoga Springs, New York y'all. To the left. Down. Past the corn field. Left of the Stewart's. Hello!

I took the early train out of NYC friday and brought my bomber hat for the specific purpose of covering my head up and napping on the train. I gave myself plenty of time to get to Penn Station and find myself some breakfast. The nap was a success, one whole hour of it, leaving me with three hours to kill so I talked online for a bit and wrote some. I'm having some minor difficulties with my script, but because I think it's mostly due to the random moments of time that I spend writing it, I think now that I am making it my focus, these problems will solve themselves.
It's been a fine visit so far, nothing too exciting to right about. It's been alot of meeting new faces. My mother has a new dog, Emma, a little thing. She saved her from a shelter and the pup is understandably untrusting of new people. So it took her a few hours to get used to me, but by the end of the night, she was cuddled up next to me, napping, occasionally looking up to me and silently saying, "I don't know why, but I love you already, do you think that's silly?" And I was like, "Of course not. Now give me that lip." Her bottom lip is big and floppy and I just had to grab it a couple of times and play with it. The other addition is a Chance, my sister's new dog a rot-boxer mix. He too was pretty wary of me when we first met, especially since his momma wasn't around. But I think seeing his bother, Zeus, jumping on me non-stop, he figured I was all right, and after about 5 minutes he showed me his true self. So I had two of them jumping on me, picking fights with me, trying to a get wrestling match going. And oh did it work. Alot of my visit so far has been human and dog aerial attacks now that I think of it. And I also noticed that my mother always names her dogs people names. I find that kind of funny and sweet. I was sad to learn that my grandfather's dog, a pudgy hound named Lucky isn't doing so well. The guy would always jump up on my lap to say hello, but he's not moving around so well anymore and he has a kind of sad look in his eyes. This is alot of dog talk I know, but my family is all pretty crazy about dogs, between three households, there are 7 dogs. And because I don't have any when I come here I spent about 90 percent of my time on the ground with my canine brother, sister and nephews, either playing or letting them sit on me. Something Max, a lambradoodle does that reminds me of a dog no longer with us.

I went out to Walmart with my sister and nieces yesterday. Since I am known in my family for being equal parts smart ass/goof ball/weirdo, I decided I would act like a kid the entire time we were in the store. Picking fights with my older niece, so we'd be kicking each other back and forth until Jodi would say something, then I'd give her, "WELL SHE STARTED IT" and pick at my niece again to get her going. Pretty much anything to embarrass my sister.

Other than that, I've just been going house to house for dinners, making the rounds. Received a bunch of birthday cards that have been waiting around for me, but I opened them in private as I hate opening gifts around people. Haven't done anything relating to Easter, nor am I going to. Been avoiding ground beef and the like. Someone died in the family yesterday, though I didn't know him that well, I felt bad for other people.

Kalju contacted me, he's home...for two weeks!! I relayed the message and it looks like everyone is moving into position. IM SO FUCKING EXCITED. I cant wait to see my friends. I really can't wait. I so wish these people lived next to me, even in the same state...or country!!! I'm hoping we get a good paintball match going on, a good brawl and plenty o' drinks.

I'm going home tomorrow. I was thinking of staying until Tuesday, but I have to come back upstate later this month anyway and I have stuff I need to get done. Plus my mind is going other places anyway and I'm starting to feel shitty, so I just want to be productive, so at least I feel good about that. I just feel like there's a huge chunk of my life gone and that I'm not the same person without it...but yeah I said I wasn't going to get negative so it's time to stop... which reminds me, I've found out when you babysit a 10yr old and a six yr old, you say "stop it" more times than you ever have or want to in your life!! I don't remember ever getting into so many fights with MY sister.... though my mother tells me we did. And I do remember dented walls and butcher knives.

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