Thursday, March 15, 2007

300: The Battle of Thermopylae

I nearly forgot to report. I went to watch 300 the other day with one of my old time Gap friends.

I went in expecting exactly what I got. I don't really know what to say about the movie. That doesn't make it bad, nor does it imply that I was disappointed. Its just, you can figure out what the movie is by watching the trailers. Amazing action sequences, highly stylized shots, steamline aesthetics everywhere, adrenaline inducing dialogue here and there. Much of the story told in narration which I thought gave it a somewhat awkward and I kinda thought was unnecessary. But then it turned out that its was being narrating because it was being told as a story, so I didn't mind that aspect so much. In fact looking back it gives the movie a word of mouth kind of storytelling so well established by ancient Greeks.

I read a review that criticized the historical inaccuracy of 300. It is of course based on the Battle of Thermopylae when Sparta went to head off a Persian invasion on Greek soil lead by Xerxes I. I found the review incredible harsh especially considering that the story is based on a graphic novel. No it doesn't address homosexuality in 480 B.C. accurately or democracy for that matter, its based on a fucking GRAPHIC NOVEL!!! It did do some really cool shit with blood flying through the air and decapitations. Really though, the events ARE pretty historically accurate according to historian record anyway. In fact I was rather surprised HOW accurate it was, because many of the actions and quotes seem mythical. And those things that ARE just too much, I can excuse as the art of storytelling.

So that's my review I guess. Dine in hell bitches.

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