Sunday, January 21, 2007

I Got a Date With Jesus

Besides the initial annoyance of some college-type kids and their obscenely over-sized luggage and chattering, the train ride up north was fine. It's hard to drum up any more excitement for such a trip. It the summer its kind of a nice transition for city to green. In the winter, its more like, "boy is it fucking cold up here." I watched a Sin City on my laptop for the better part of the way.

I've noticed lately that days and days will go by without me speaking a word. Sometimes I curse at one of my computer and whatnot, or even talk a bit to myself, but my contact with the outside world is exclusive to the instant messenger. Counting my latest streak, I think it had been about 4 days with no talky-talk. So as I am sitting around talking to my parents, telling them of my exploits, I'm practically losing my voice. I had to continuously sip on my screwdriver to keep my throat going. Which had its own effect.

In about an hour I am going to a church service. You heard it right folks. A church service. Singing, praising, the whole hoopla. My nephew is getting baptized and so it's what an uncle's gotta do. I ain't gonna enjoy it though. Luckily I'll have the story to my script to sit there and stew over for the duration. I hope I can manage to drown out all the "Hallelujah!"s

(Wow!!! The sneeze man!! Some people just ride the sneeze like a wave, just let it take control. I just heard a sneeze that could rattle some windows)

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