Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cash4Cadavers 2007!!!

Mommy, Why is Grandpa Crying?
Jane Wyman
Margaret Thatcher
Estelle Getty
Lena Horne
Liz Taylor
Ruby Muhammed
Nancy Reagan
Betty Ford
Lady Bird Johnson
Tammy Faye Messner
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Eve Denise Curie LaBousse
Leila Daughty Bertrand
Geraldine Ferraro
Hanna Barysevich
Mary Travers
Brooke Astor
Shirley Temple
Jane Tomlinson
Pauline Phillips

We'll Teach Your Old Dogs To Play Dead
Dick Vertlieb
Alicia Parlette
Ariel Sharon
Harold Pinter
Emiliano Mercado del Toro
John (Johnny Lam) Jones
Tyrone Jones
Muhammed Ali
Mickey Rooney
Robert Sargent Shriver Jr.
Magic Johnson [Formerly John Silvertand, but the S.O.B. died three days too early, R.I.P. you selfish stiff]
Charles Friedgood
Ingemar Johannson
Max Roach
Richard Quigley
Harrison Dillard
Thomas Nelson Sr.
Ronnie Biggs
Peter Duranko
Gordon Hinckley

Peter O'Toole: Team Captain
Peter O'Toole
C. Yardley Chittick
Robert J. White
Soupy Sales
Charlton Heston
Walter Cronkite
Lou Henson
Jackie Cooper
Claude Levi-Strauss
Jack Klugman
Kirk Douglas
Jack Kevorkian
Joe Nuxhall
Albert Hoffman
Earl Butz
Bruce Bennett
Brad Lloyd Clemett
Edwin Morgan
Henry Allingham
Michael Tetrault

Mommy, why is Grandpa Crying? is named so because all the contestants are old women. We'll Teach Your Old Dogs to Play Dead is named so because we stole the most popular names from last year's lists that didn't die and used them ourselves this year. Peter O'Toole: Team Captain is named so because I had such high hopes for him on our list last year, my C4C partner thought we should go all out for him this year. This team is ALL us. And a fine list it is. Oh YEAH!! I am SO proud of our teams!!!

[To make life and death even more funny, Mr. O'Toole will be appearing on Letterman tonight. I hope I can stay awake to check his progress.]

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