Tuesday, January 09, 2007

...And What Did We Learn?

The question has been asked... what would make you go on a trip to search out ghosts? There are two answers. 1. Well, to see if they're real, of course! I (and Dave as well) thought if we take a week to go to documented haunted sites, there were some pretty good chances that we'd see a ghost, an orb, a flashing light, hear a body-deficient voice, something ya know! What better way to figure out the unknown than going to hunt it down? 2. If such spirits did exist would I ignore fear and pursue them? This comes more into play with the type of spirits we were pursuing, which were mainly pretty malevolent in nature. It was important for me to test myself like this.

So how do I feel about things, with the trip now over? I am of course disappointed that the first mission was not accomplished. I don't know any more than when I started whether ghosts/spirits/whatnot exist. I never SAW anything. A whole week dedicated to a ghost search and no CLEAR sign. I wish that the actual locations were easier to find and in some cases, still existed. The most frustrating times were when we uncertain if we were even in the right area.

To part 2, I'd have to say I am pretty satisfied. They were a few times when I was pretty freaked out, and still I forged onward. We did certainly encounter some unusual sounds and sights. And I am happy to know that I always walked toward them instead of away. It was certainly an adventure, many of the nights found us in the middle of a supposed haunted forest or whatnot, roaming around the backroads of Virginia, calling the spirits out and sometimes trying to incite them with flute or insults. We didn't hit up some cheap haunted hotel, we went out in the middle of nowhere, we went where things were reported to chase you, where holes were reported to swallow you up and I am content that when we were there we turned over the stones looking for some fucking sign.

Despite not seeing ghosts, it was a grand time. A lot of laughs, a lot of music, good times with a great friend. Ah, adventure 2007, you were a fabulous way to begin the new year!!!

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