Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hooked on Multi-Tasking

I've recently come under a lot of fire for how I clip my finger nails. You want to know? Well it's nothing big, I clip my nails when I'm on the sidewalk, walking somewhere. I don't do it when people are around me, I don't clip when I reach the station, (I only ever clip on the way to the Queens station), its usually early in the morning. Still some people are appalled. Well this is the simple fact of the matter. I can't justify to myself making clipping my finger nails a single act. Toe nails you have no choice, but fingernails you do. And it goes deeper still, I am a neurotic multi-tasker. If I can manage doing two things at once, great... three things even better! Examples: cooking, exercising, cleaning, eating, watching TV, writing, recording.Is there something wrong with this? Honestly.

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