Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm too tired to tell of my incredibly busy life, so instead I'll tell you how cheese burned the hell out of my pinky today. I came home after a leisurely yet purposeful trip to the city and decided I was too hungry to wait for dinner. So I decided to make myself a grilled peanut butter sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich and some good ole' tomato soop. Well all was going well until the two sandwiches were done cooking and I piled them with the spatula. One was a little lopsided on the two, but I thought, "hey, it's fine, they're not going on that long of a ride."

The next thing I know a side of the grilled is off, melted hot cheddar is burning my hand, I'm juggling the grilled peanut butter before it ends up on the floor, I drop the grilled cheese on the counter, I'm trying to shake of the gooing burning cheese on my hand, I got it under cold water trying to rub it off as it continues to burn me. How did this happen?

I ate that fucking open faced grilled cheese sandwich, you bet. It was the only revenge on it I had. I drowned it in tomato soup and munched on it. What you got on me punk?

You're either laughing at me right now or holding onto your hand, stuck in the painful memory of when this happened to you. You're laughing, aren't you?

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