Monday, February 05, 2007

Let There Be WORK!!!

Nice!!! I got two calls today. One for work tomorrow, the other work for Wednesday. Plus I already had a something booked for Friday. A good week already! Please let this continue, I have much catching up to do. Tomorrow marks my triumphant return to 6 degrees. I haven't been able to work on it lately because of my featured bit as the millionaire dotcom model dude a few months ago. Then Wednesday I fear I will be outside, but you know what they say about beggars.

Today was alright, I stayed somewhat productive and scrubbed down my apartment. My shower is one of those spots that never looks really clean because of how it's been cobbed up with calk and such in the past, but I got it looking better and that's all really one can hope for. Also fixed my shower head which recently started spurting out water aimlessly for no good reason.

I figure my landlady must think I am completely insane. With recording music some days I am rapping somewhat explicitly, other times yelling, sometimes announcing people, sometimes singing romantic melodies and since I am wearing headphones, all she ever hears is my voice. It's good, keeping her afraid of me is key to my survival.

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