Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mr. Nobody

Nobody likes being a nobody, but some days you just are. And yesterday was a nobody day for yours truly. Not a very rewarding day at work. No good company. No challenges. No laptop. In the last scene of the day, I stood-in for a day player. Usually as a stand-in crew and the director will try to remember your name. Nope, not this time. I was mostly referred to as "this guy."

Plus I was really tired, so tired in fact that in between takes, (picture me sitting at a desk, as was my position, resting my head in my hands, arms bent 90 degrees) I nearly nodded off. I started to hear an echo-y "rolling" and snapped awake thankfully.

Of course being a nobody is better than being an out of work nobody which is what I am today and tomorrow as well. I know. I'll just think of the good I can do with this free time.

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