Friday, March 07, 2008

New Leaves

Okay, so I have barely worked since Thanksgiving. The writer's strike, which I was in support of, crippled me financially. My bank accounts have dwindled to nearly zero. It has been very scary. Fortunately the government has helped keep me afloat. Still my resources are scarce. To make matters worse, that government help ended last week. So now I am just not making any income at all. WELL, was anymore. Fortunately this week has been bright. I have booked five days of work for the next two weeks. This may not seem like a lot. But for me to have 5 days I KNOW I am working, well that is just a great thing. After spending two horrible days in Rhode Island, I'm very glad to be working in Queens this weekend. Unfortunately I will be missing Kalju's homecoming party, which I was looking extremely forward to. But work is priority one at this point. And apparently they are trying to save the show, "New Amsterdam" which films in NYC, so hopefully they will start shooting that again. I am actually hopeful for the first time in a long time, that I will be working a lot in the coming months and getting out of this hole I am in.
Lately I have been looking to make certain changes in my life, maybe not changes, but more effort, more assertiveness. Fun, productivity, exercise. All my days need to contain at least two of those elements. It's nothing too different for me I guess, I am just going larger scale now. For fun, well in the last week and a half I think I have been doing alright. I spent a few days in Salem, MA. with Dave going out and getting all kinds of wasted. A quick run down of that time... bar hopping in the cold, shouting, Dave slapping me across the face for motivation or inspiration (one of the two), running into building windows, sneaking into the back door of a closing bar and getting them to serve us more drinks, actually I was not served, but the others were, piggy back riding and latching onto tree branches, skating on streets at three in the morning while being up to no good, taking pictures to prove it. Rinse and repeat. Then I hurried back to NYC so my hands could audition for a role. Then filming a scene for a movie I am making with some friends, and which will be discussed later. It was a crazy night of filming, there is behind the scenes footage, which will be provided at a later time. So yeah, I am trying to just keep busy day to day. I am coming up with new ideas, new ways to get my work out there, and I'm not afraid anymore to go beyond the standard of submitting your work. Hell, this is my career, I need to start building my life on it, and before any of that happens I need to be noticed. I am not running for office ever, if I get arrested for trespassing, so what. At least I am making an effort, at least I won't have regrets 20 years from now that I didn't try hard enough.

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