Thursday, March 20, 2008

Find Cover

It's been a busy week. Today was the first day, I've had to relax. I spent it working on a map of the United States for Dead Land, which is a tad different than our current map, in time I will post it. It needs a lot more work. Monday and Tuesday I worked on something, don't remember what it was at the moment, don't care. Was work is all that matters. Oh shit, wait, I worked today too. It was such an early call and such a short day (3 1/2 hours) that I forgot about that. Wednesday I continued to film the movie I am making that I have yet to detail officially. I'm trying to keep as busy as I can, because when I'm not (like today) I hate my life, at least a good part of it. Maybe I'm just exhausted. I finally got some sleeping pills, because I haven't slept well in over a week, in that I wake up about every 10-30 and dream non-stop. Plus I've had a headache for about 4 days now. I kind of resolved a major issue in my life. It feels good not to be angry at her anymore, I don't want to be angry at her. But now it seems that it's harder, because I miss her more and that anger isn't there to help with the not talking. So I just need to focus on the things that I do have control over. Work, writing, film, exercise, hanging with friends. What a drab entry this is. It's night, what do you expect? I'm going upstate tomorrow to visit family. I decided that today. I need it. Goodbye NYC, for a few days anyway.

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