Monday, November 26, 2007

A Little Rain with Your Day?

What a miserable morning. A call time of 6:30am to south street sea port. Trains are crap in the morning, donkey crap. It took an hour and a half, then the bonus of pouring rain. The kicker is the first two scenes are exteriors. The sooner this day is over and I'm back under blankets the better.
In other news I've been doing smashingly well with my writing goals. I breezed through 350 pages of deadland to finish my share of the edit, then I wrote installments for both Thorne and Airi. Then I wrote my query letter for "Paparazzo." Now I'm working on the pilot script for the "Dead Land' animated series. A lot and a lot of accomplishment right there. Creatively I'm kicking ass. I also am borrowing a piano keyboard from my parents. I've been wanting to learn how to play for a while and I'm finally getting around to it. I've already started recording my first piano based song, which I've been told has a 'the good, the bad, and the queen' feel to it, which I accept.
Its seems lately that I'm just being happy for people around me: my father, my sister, Kalju who should finally be finished with the army soon. Their happiness brings me some happiness. Eh, time to hit the rainy streets, every day can't be cush.

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