Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Pen is Mighty

It kind of feels like I've just been trudging through life lately, trying to stay positive about shit while becoming a little more closed off to the world in actuality. I spent the weekend upstate. My grandfather on my father's side died last week. It was difficult for eveyone because he died in a house fire and we weren't really sure if he suffered or not. Not to mention it was covered quite a bit in the news. Fortunately after his autopsy it was found that we was not breathing during the fire. Still there was a loss in the family, horrible circumstances or not. I wasn't extremely close to him, he didn't seem very interested in any of his grandchildren to be honest about it. But I inherited his name and his passion for music. My grandfather didn't want a funeral or a wake and so some family convened at my father's house to celebrate his life. He was always easy to pick on, since he went by "Dick" instead of Richard or Rick or Rich, and at one point my step mother confessed that the week had been wearing and she was indeed wiped out on Dick. That's my family. Yesterday I just spent getting everything back in order since it was my first full day back in the city. I will say this: HSBC can suck me. I spent way too much time setting my affairs back in order, because they did not cancel my account when they should have. I made an awesome Salmon filet, I exercised, I wrote a bit. It was a pretty productive day, just what I needed after a few days of not getting much done upstate.
Writing is really the best thing for me right now. Life seems perpetually confusing and out of order no matter how I react to it and just not what I want it to be. But somehow when I'm writing it doesn't get to me so much. And so I work on 2 more Dead Land chapters, and then the Dead Land pilot script and then my animated concept. Yup, its all set up. And while I am doing this I will be exploring ways to present "Paparazzo" my most recent script and the Dead Land series. It's good to have a plan.

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