Sunday, November 04, 2007


For those of you not in the know, the Writer's Guild have called a strike. They will mostly likely carry this out tomorrow. You may have caught a blurb here or a headline there threatening late night show reruns and such if the writers do strike. Well when you're in the biz (that's right I'm cool like that) striking unions affect you directly whether you are a part of that union or not. The amazingly wonderful thing about film and TV is the amount of artists that are brought together to create it and if missing even one element, there is no finished product. So without writer's, actors soon are out of work because there is no material. So the writer's strike had certainly been a concern of mine. Not to mention that I consider myself first and foremost a writer and I plan on joining the WGA at the point. So their stances will some day actually BE my stances. I am in full support of the writer's strike. Bring that shit on I say. These people are not asking for the absurd here. All they want is to update their contract to account for new technologies that are bringing money into the producers exclusively. And these producers are trying to say they aren't sure internet downloads will become popular and dvd's don't generate much profit for them. Are you fucking kidding me??? Really! I'm gonna me some magic markers and a placard, I tell you. Point me to a picket line!!!

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