Tuesday, August 07, 2007

How To Detect A Bad Idea

I had the perfect plan. I would take a serving of protein powder and bring it with me today, with it a piece of paper to use as a funnel and when I felt hungry I would add the protein powder to a half bottle of water using the paper funnel and booya! Instant nutrition! Unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to try it until I was on the subway. And when I was on the subway I didn't have a seat.

How to you detect a bad idea? It's simple. Something will go off. Something inside you. That sounds much like, "oh fuck me."

The funnel didn't funnel. The powder caked. The bottle shifted. It was messy. It was on the floor. On my hands. On my pants. On my bag. On my shoes. On my nerves. I ripped a hole in the plastic bag carrying it. It worked barely better. But I just kept at it. I was not about to give up. The mess had already been made. Giving up, well that would have just been complete failure. And damn it, if I could still get a shake out of all this. Then let there mess, at least I would have succeeded still. At least I would be nourished. And so I stayed the course and had my shake. That's my story.

I was called today to work BG on film shooting in midtown...today. So I got my shit together and made for the location. Quite happy in the fact that I didn't have to travel downtown and then subsequently to New Jersey, as I have been for the last month. The only unfortunate thing about the day was that the scenes were all exteriors and midtown is a pretty fucking chaotic place to do exterior scenes in the middle of the day or during rush hour, what with Rockefeller Center and Times Square right there. And we were there for both of them. It was sickening. I hate crowds anyway, but this was pushing your way through person after person, not really knowing where the hell to be and the like. I might have needed a break at some point. I MIGHT have wondered off set for a bit to get away from the insanity. I MIGHT have used that time to go to my bank to make a deposit. I don't know though, doesn't sound quite like me. The day was relatively short. Well to me, it seemed like a half-day. 7 hours. That's nothing, a walk in the park!! I've been doing double days for who knows how long, probably got golden time on three different occasions in the last three weeks. Really 7 hours! It's a hiccup.

Anyway tomorrow I'll be standing- in on a series. It's the same series that I was offered regular stand in work on before, but couldn't take because I was already committed to Choke. I'd like to think that maybe I still have a shot, but seeing as how I am on a second unit tomorrow, I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm just happy for the work. Still I'm going to shave just in case. The real bonus is that THIS set is even closer. Right in Queens. I'm coming home SCup!!

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