Monday, August 06, 2007

Back To The Drawing Board

Well some 3 months after losing my license in a taxi cab, I finally went to the DMV today and applied for a replacement card. I now have my temporary license and am expecting my real card within the next couple of weeks. Why did it take so long? pro-crast-I-nation! But really I didn't have much incentive. I don't drive anymore. I look old enough to have never been questioned upon entering a bar. I am able to use my old passport for work identification. And that's it. I really didn't have any complications due to my lack of a license. Compound that with the nightmare-like vision I had of going to a DMV office in NYC and I really didn't have any reason to apply for a new license....except that eventually I would need it. So today I went and the line was ....intimidating. But I stuck with it and waited ever so patiently. For some reason people kept approaching me and asking me questions about the whole process, which lines to go in and the like. So I became the information desk apparently. It even got to the point of ridiculousness of someone approaching me to borrow my pen, no one else, just me. Well anyway long story short I was able to skip a few steps and I got out of there much more quickly that I anticipated.

In other news I think I've come to the conclusion that I need to rethink the storyline of my script. I am just stuck in it and I think why I'm getting nowhere is because I'm just not happy with the story and so I'm stalling. I procrastinate with some things yes, but not with writing, not when I'm truly into what I'm writing. So I got to accept that I have to come up with some new ideas and move on from there. Yup.

I recently caught an headline about Barry Bonds tying Hank Aaron in home runs. I happen to think this is bullshit. Forget about Bonds being a prick. Which he certainly seems. Aaron actually earned the home run record, while Bonds pumped his body with steroids to enhance his performance. So why the fuck does his shit even count? I'm not going to say fuck you Bonds cuz there's a slight chance the media has just painted you an asshole, but I'll sure as hell say fuck your record.

I recently watched Demon Days: Live in Manchester Opera House. Now if I had to choose between Demon Days and Gorillaz first album, I would pick their debut. I'm just really into the blend of alternative and hip-hop sounds. BUT!!! having seen Demon Days live I gotta say I like the album much better. Though I would have loved it had it been a full visual concert showcasing the characters, it was pretty awesome to see the mass involvement that formed the sounds of each track. "Dirty Harry" was fucking brilliant! But probably the song that really impressed me seeing it live was "Demon Days" itself. Maybe because the track on the actual album didn't really stand out to me. I think songs get produced so much sometimes that you can't really hear the true sounds, instruments of the song, because they're just too....perfect. I kinda of joked about that once for DCUP, but there may be some actual truth to it. 2-D and Murdoc made a guest appearance in the balcony, so I'd like to think the concert was actually Damon Alburn covering Gorillaz.

Meanwhile I try to return to something of a "normal" schedule, going to bed at say 3am instead of 7 in the morning. Tonight I hope to be in snooze land by 1am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is one bithcin concert.