Monday, September 03, 2007

Animal House

Well, it's been a terrible month. Absolutely fucking horrible. But it's over now.

I went home (upstate) at some point. I planned on only staying there a few days and I ended up there for a week and a half. Why you ask? Well I decided to invest in my car and finally get it back on the road. So I insured it, registered it and had it towed to a garage. Unfortunately this garage sucked fucking elephant balls and wasted 3 days of my time not mention overpriced me on a part. So I got it out of there and took it to a certified Honda garage. I am much happier with Honda's service, though it remains in the garage until Tuesday because of this fucking holiday shit. The work I turned down! OH the work!!! It was sick, I had about 6 calls for it, but I declined because I just wanted to get the car done and drive it back to the city, rather than take a train down and then come all the way back up for it once it was done. It added another bit of stress to my week that I really could have done without. This isn't to say I didn't have some good times. Staying up there that long gave me some opportunities I don't usual have, like trying to relax. I managed to get a fair amount of pool time in, tanned up a bit, visited as many people I as could, spent almost an entire day napping, there were also ridiculous times like eating dinner over to my father's - I was being my usual smart-ass self, picking on my step-mother for stealing all the crunchies off the mac and cheese and so we ended stealing food off eachother's plates and have a giggle fest so badly that we were accused of being high. I also invented a new game. This is because my sister's house is currently overrun with felines. 9 cats in all. Yes 9 like, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Mostly kittens. The game is called Kitty Bomb. You basically toss a cat into a unsuspecting group, as you exclaim "kitty bomb" and then run away. She also has two dogs, a Boxer and a Rot-mix who are either also picking fights with eachother (friendly ones) or with me. Not to mention quite insistent about sleeping on the couch with me and stinking up the night with their gassy little butts. And there are my two neices. So it's very much a mad house. And the extremes of being here and being there are pretty extreme let me tell you.

There was also a moment when my sister thought she had an extra bone in her foot and with some help I came up with the nickname "the bone collector" for her, continuing with "she collects the bones of innocents to add spares to her own body" then it turned out that her foot was actually broken, so the nickname was kind of lost. But fortunately they gave her a big boot cast which I started referring to as her Robocop foot, making mechanical noises while she hobbled around on it, adding beeps and "disengaged" when she would sit down. Hey I'm a brother, this kind of stuff is expected of me really.

Well anyway, I decided I needed to get back here as I am working Tuesday and Wednesday, so I took the train home. And it was a fucking nightmare. As usual the train was an hour late into the Saratoga station and I didn't get into my place until about 6 hours after I had started off. So I'm not really sure what this week holds. I will hopefully be working during the whole fucking thing and when I get a chance I'll be taking that bitch-ass Amtrak back up to get my car and drive it back here.

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